

|          |  规 则 要 求  |  实 际 情 况  |
|报务员人数     |           |           |
|报务员守听小时数  |           |           |

   ( )
  地点_________ 验船师签字_______
  (公章) (国名)

|  船 名  |船舶编号或呼号|  船 籍 港  | 船长(L)* |
|       |       |         |        |

  (政府名) 政府
  签名人 (姓名)
  地点_________ 验船师签字_______

附录二         救生设备的详细说明

  1.1 刚性救生艇
  1.1.1 救生艇应有刚性舷侧和应仅有内部浮力。主管机关可核准具有刚性顶棚的救生艇,但这种顶棚应可在内外两面都能便于开启,且不得妨碍迅速登艇和离艇以及艇的降落和操纵。
  1.1.2 救生艇的长度应不小于7.3米。但由于船舶的大小或其它原因,主管机关认为设置这样的救生艇为不合理和不切实际者除外。但在任何情况下,船上救生艇的长度应不小于4.9米。
  1.1.3 满载乘员及属具后,其重量超过20300公斤,或按本公约附则第一百一十二条三款计算其载乘容量超过150人的救生艇,均不得予以认可。
  1.1.4 额定乘员多于60人的救生艇,均应为符合本附录2.1要求的机动救生艇。
  1.1.5 救生艇应具有足够的强度,使其在载足全部乘员及属具后能安全降落水中。救生艇的强度,应使其在经受超载25%的情况下,不致产生剩余变形。
  1.1.6 救生艇的平均舷弧高度应至少等于该艇长度的4%。舷弧在形状上应近似于抛物线。
  1.1.7 救生艇均应具有自然浮力,或装设水密空气箱或其他等效的不腐蚀且不受石油或石油产品不利影响的浮力材料,当艇内浸水和破漏通海时,仍足以将艇及其属具浮起。此外,并须至少以相当于艇容积1/10的水密空气箱或其他不腐蚀且不受石油或石油产品不利影响的等效浮力材料作为附加浮力。主管机关可以准许水密空气箱内充填以不腐蚀且不受石油或石油产品不利影响的浮力材料。
  1.1.8 救生艇的横座板和边座板应尽可能置于艇内低处。
  1.1.9 除由木板制造的救生艇外,救生艇按本附录第3节所确定的立方容量的方形系数应不小于0.64;如救生艇在载足全部乘员及属具后,主管机关对其具有充足的初稳性高度和干舷认为满意,则任一此种救生艇的方形系数可小于0.64。
  1.1.10 救生艇的布置应为按照本公约附则第一百二十二条所规定配置的手提式无线电设备的天线留有足够的空间,并将此天线紧固于使用位置上。
  1.2 气胀式救生艇
  1.2.1 救生艇的浮力至少应由2个气胎组成,并应排列成上、下两排,置于救生艇的两舷。
  1.2.2 浮胎应由认可的材料制作。
  1.2.3 (一)浮胎的最小直径应不小于:
  1.2.4 救生艇的浮力的布置应由隔壁组成若干个独立隔舱,以保证在任何部分的隔舱,或救生艇的浮胎部分损失救生艇的浮力的50%以后,当救生艇满载全部乘员和属具时,仍然保持稳定,并维持其适当的船形,为全体乘员提供足够的位置。每个隔舱应能单独地充气。
  1.2.5 救生艇的结构应在各种操作和负载情况下,都能保持其船形和刚度。
  1.2.6 救生艇的结构应在全海况下能经受暴露在海上漂浮30天的能力,且应具有足够经久耐用性,以保证其性能不应因两次正常检验期间,存放于露天甲板而受影响。
  1.2.7 救生艇肋板应是水密的,并应设有一个有效的工作平台,此平台应有足够强度,能经受在各种工况下包括满载全部乘员和属具降落水中时产生的全部压力。
  1.2.8 救生艇在满载定员和属具时,其稳定性应有足够的正值。
  1.2.9 救生艇的长宽比不应超过2.2,除主管机关同意背离此比值为不致影响适航性者除外。
  1.2.10 救生艇应具有足够的强度,以使其在满载定员和属具时,能安全降落水中。应在经受超载25%试验时,不发生明显的挠曲或形成任何永久性损伤。
  1.2.11 用于救生艇构造中的材料应是不受石油或石油产品影响,且是高度阻抗紫外线的。救生艇应能于+66~-30℃温度范围内使用。
  1.2.12 救生艇的桨架和横座板应尽可能置于艇内低处。除主管机关满意不设置防倾覆袋时救生艇的稳性和适航性是足够者外,应在相应位置上装置数量足够的防倾覆袋。
  1.2.13 救生艇应配有使乘员免受暴露致伤的合适顶篷。顶篷和上层浮胎应涂以鲜明易见的颜色。
  1.2.14 救生艇应配有足够数量的坚实缚条用以缚结附件和紧固属具。
  1.2.15 救生艇底部和沿下层浮胎,应设置橡皮条。
  1.2.16 救生艇的布置应为按照本公约附则第一百二十二条所规定配置的手提式无线电设备的天线留有足够空间,并将此天线紧固于使用位置上。
  2.1 刚性机动救生艇
  2.1.1 机动救生艇应装设压燃式发动机,并保持于随时可用状态;此发动机在任何情况下应能易于启动,并应备足按本附录2.1.3条规定的航速至少连续24小时运转的燃油。
  2.1.2 发动机及其属件应作适当围蔽,以确保在恶劣天气条件下使用,发动机的罩壳应为耐火的。发动机应设有倒车装置。
  2.1.3 机动救生艇当满载定员和属具时,在静水中前进的航速至少应为6节。
  2.1.4 对水中人员应设有免受推进器伤害的适当防护。
  2.1.5 若机动救生艇用以支持发动机及其属件与探照灯和无线电报设备及其附件(如设有时)的内部浮力装置的容量,超过发动机及其属件与探照灯和无线电报设备及其附件(如设有时)移去后所能增载乘员(按比率每人0.0283立方米或1立方英尺计算)所需的内部浮力装置的容量,则机动救生艇内部浮力装置的容量应增加上述差数,以高于本附录1.1.7条所要求的容量。
  2.1.6 本公约附则第一百三十七条规定的无线电装置,应安装在足以容纳此项设备和使用人员的舱室内,其布置应使发信机和收信机的有效操作不受运转中的发动机的干扰,无论电池是否在充电。无线电的电池不得用作发动机启动马达或点火系统的电源。机动救生艇的发动机应装设有供无线电电池再充电和其他用途的发电机。
  2.1.7 按照本公约附则第一百二十三条要求的探照灯应包括一盏灯、有效的反射镜和电源,该电源可对距离180米处宽度约18米的浅色物体作有效照明共达6小时,并至少应能连续使用3小时。
  2.2 气胀式机动救生艇
  2.2.1 气胀式机动救生艇应装设永久附设于艇上的压燃式发动机。发动机应保持在随时可用状态,并应在任何情况下,都能易于启动,并应备足按本节2.2.3条规定的航速至少连续24小时运转的燃油。
  2.2.2 发动机及其属件应构造成确保在恶劣天气条件下使用,发动机应设有倒车装置。对水中人员还应设有免受螺旋桨伤害的适当防护。
  2.2.3 当满载定员和属具时,机动救生艇在静水中前进的航速至少应为6节。
  2.2.4 储备浮力应大于本附录1.2.4条所规定的足以支持发动机及其属具之值。
  3.1 救生艇的容量(单位为立方米)可借助施氏法则计算,其公式如下:
  式中L1 :救生艇长度,以米计,自首柱处金属或木质艇壳板的内边量至尾柱处艇壳板的内边;方尾救生艇的长度则量至艇尾端板的内边。
  3.2 若在位于距救生艇两端1/4长度处的两点量舷缘的舷弧高度超过艇长的1%时,则计算横截面积A或C的深度应为艇中点深度加1%艇长。
  3.3 如救生艇中点的深度超过艇宽的45%,则计算艇中点横截面积B所用的深度应为艇宽的45%,同时在计算长度1/4处横截面积A与C的所用的深度应为横截面积B所用的深度加1%艇长,但计算面积A与C所用的深度无论如何不得超过各该处的实际深度。
  3.4 如救生艇型深大于1.22米时,则运用本公约附则第一百一十二条规定本附录适用的人数应按1.22米与实际深度的比例相应减少,直至救生艇深于水面载乘该数目的穿着认可型救生衣的人员漂浮试验满意为止。
  3.5 主管机关应以适宜公式对两端甚尖的和体形甚肥的救生艇所准许载乘的人数予以限制。
  3.6 若用长、宽、深的积乘以0.6所得的容量数显然不大于用上述方法求得者,则主管机关可用此公式勘定木板制造的救生艇的容量。各项尺度应计算如下:
  3.7 机动救生艇立方容量的求得,应从总容量中减去发动机及其属件所占用的容量;在设有无线电报设备和探照灯及其附件时,则也应减去其所占用的容量。
 4.1 刚性救生筏
  4.1.1 救生筏的结构应使空气箱和浮力材料尽可能置于接近筏的两侧。
  4.1.2 救生筏的甲板面积,应位于乘员能在筏内受到保护的部位内。甲板的性质,应能尽量防止海水浸入,并应有效地支持乘员浮出水面。
  4.1.3 救生筏应装置颜色鲜明易见的顶篷或等效装置,当救生筏以任何一面浮着时,此顶篷或等效装置应能保护乘员免受暴露所引起的伤害。
  4.1.4 救生筏及其属具的总重量,应不超过180公斤。但救生筏能自船的两舷降落下水,或者船的一舷备有机械降落装置者,则可超过180公斤。
  4.1.5 救生筏须备有首缆,并应沿其外围牢固地装设连环状把手索。沿筏的内侧也应装设把手索。
  4.1.6 在救生筏的每一开口处,应设置能使落水人员攀登入筏的有效设施。
  4.1.7 救生筏的构造,应不致受石油及石油产品的不利影响。
  4.1.8 救生筏应设有一个电池型的浮灯,并用短绳系于救生筏上。
  4.1.9 救生筏应设有便于被拖带的装置。
  4.1.10 救生筏的存放,应在船舶万一下沉时能自行起浮。
  4.1.11 救生筏的布置应为按照本公约附则第一百二十二条所规定配置的手提式无线电设备的天线留有足够的空间,并将此天线紧固于使用位置上。
  4.1.12 设计具有降落装置的救生筏,其结构应适应于此目的,且其强度应足以允许满载定员及其属具安全降落入水。
  4.2 气胀式救生筏*
  4.2.1 气胀式救生筏的构造,当其在充气胀满并在撑足顶篷的情况下漂浮时,在海浪中应当稳定。
  4.2.2 救生筏的构造,应使其自18米高处投掷下水时,救生筏及其属具均不致损坏。如救生筏要存放于船上高出水面18米以上的处所时,则该救生筏应为曾从至少等于其存放处所高度进行过满意的投掷试验的型式。
  4.2.3 救生筏的构造应设有在充气时能自动撑起的顶篷,此顶篷应能保护乘员免受暴露所引起的伤害,并备有收集雨水的设备。篷顶应装设有海水电池发光的电灯,筏内也应设有同样的电灯。救生筏顶篷的颜色应鲜明易见。
  4.2.4 救生筏应备有首缆,并应沿筏体外围牢固地装设连环状把手索。沿救生筏内侧也应装设把手索。
  4.2.5 救生筏若充气时处于翻覆位置,应能由一个人即可扶正。
  4.2.6 救生筏的每一开口处,应设置能使落水人员便于攀登入筏的有效设施。
  4.2.7 救生筏应装于能在海上各种条件下保证经久耐用的包裹或其它容器内。处于包裹或其它容器内的救生筏应能自然浮起。
  4.2.8 救生筏浮力的安排,应以隔壁组成若干偶数的独立隔舱,半数的隔舱应能支持该筏的额定乘员露出水面,或采取其他等效的设施,以确保在救生筏损坏或局部充气失效时,仍有合理的富余浮力。
  4.2.9 救生筏与包装或其它容器及其属具的总重量,应不超过180公斤。
  4.2.10 救生筏的筏底应为水密,并应充分隔热以御寒冷。
  4.2.11 救生筏所充气体应对乘员无害。并应使用拉绳或其他同等简单有效的方法使筏自动充气。应备有设施以使本附录6.5.7条要求的充气泵或充气器可用来维持气压。
  4.2.12 救生筏的材料及其结构应经认可,其构造应使筏在全海况下能经受暴露漂浮达30天。
  4.2.13 用于救生筏构造中的材料应是不受石油或石油产品影响的。救生筏应能于+66 ̄-30℃温度范围内使用。
  4.2.14 救生筏应装设便于被拖带的装置。
  4.2.15 救生筏的布置应为按照本公约附则第一百二十二条所规定配置的手提式无线电设备的天线留有足够的空间,并将此天线紧固于使用位置上。
  4.2.16 设计具有降落装置的救生筏,其结构应适应于此目的,且其强度应足以允许满载定员及其属具安全降落入水。
 5.1 刚性救助艇
  5.1.1 救助艇应是开敞式的且带有刚性舷侧结构。主管机关可以核准具有刚性顶篷的救助艇,此顶篷可从内外两面都能便于开启;且无损其功能,不妨碍迅速登船和离船及船的降落、操纵和回收。
  5.1.2 救助艇的横座板和边座板应视实际可能置于船内低处,并应配置舱底板。
  5.1.3 救助艇应设有内部浮力装置,此内部浮力装置应置于能保证救助艇在恶劣天气条件下,满载时仍具有可靠的稳性。
  5.1.4 救助艇应设有内部浮力装置,此项内部浮力装置应由空气箱或不受石油和石油产品不利影响的浮力材料组成。
  5.1.5 内部浮力装置的总容量至少应等于下述容量之和;
  5.1.6 装有发动机的救助艇,应有保证水中人员不受螺旋桨伤害的防护设施。
  5.1.7 机动救助艇应装设一压燃式发动机,并保持于随时可用状态;此发动机在任何情况下应能易于启动。机动救助艇当满载定员时,在静水中前进的航速应至少为6节。
  5.2 气胀式救助艇
  5.2.1 气胀式救助艇的结构应能在各种海况下漂浮30天。
  5.2.2 气胀式救助艇应能在+66~-30℃的温度范围内使用。
  5.2.3 用于气胀式救助艇构造的材料、构件和属具,须经认可,且能阻抗湿度、生物腐蚀、石油及石油产品的影响,并能高度阻抗紫外线的影响,还应具有足够经久耐用性,以保证其性能不应因在两次正常检验期间,船员未作其他保养、存放于露天甲板而受到影响。
  5.2.4 救助艇的浮力形成的浮力隔舱在充气时应为救助艇的每一定员至少提供0.17立方米的容积,单浮胎救助艇的主浮力隔舱的直径至少应为400毫米。
  5.2.5 救助艇的浮力应由若干独立的隔舱方式提供,不因任一隔舱漏气而有损于救助艇的功能。
  5.2.6 每一浮力隔舱均应安设一个人工充气止回阀和泄气器。除非主管机关认为无必要,则还应设有一个安全保险阀。
  5.2.7 在安装不止一个浮胎的气胀式救助艇上,其任何一个浮胎的容量不应超过总容量的60%。
  5.2.8 用桨划动的救助艇应设有一些桨架和横座板。横座板应视实际可能置于船内低处。
  5.2.9 救助艇肋板应为水密,并应设有一个有效的工作平台。
  5.2.10 救助艇外底及船壳外易损部位,应加设令主管机关满意的橡皮条。
  5.2.11 安装尾板处的镶边长度不应超过救助艇全长的25%。
  5.2.12 救助艇除有足够舷弧者外,应设置一个长度至少为该艇长15%的首部顶篷。
  5.2.13 救助艇上部或首部顶篷,应涂有鲜明易见的颜色。
  5.2.14 为系缚救助艇首、尾系艇索,应装配合适的缚条。船的内侧和外侧均应设有连环状把手索。
  5.2.15 在装有发动机的救助艇上,应有保证水中人员免受螺旋桨伤害的防护设施。
  5.2.16 若不能为未充气的救助艇提供快速充气和防止受损的认可设施,则应使救助艇经常处于充满状态。
  5.2.17 救助艇若处于翻覆位置,应能迅速被扶正。
  6.1 刚性救生艇设备
  6.1.1 单座可浮桨1套;备用可浮桨2支及可浮舵桨1支;桨架或桨叉1套半,以短绳或链条系于救生艇上。
  6.1.2 带钩艇篙1支。
  6.1.3 每一艇底孔备艇底塞2枚。以短绳或链条系于救生艇上(备有合格自动阀者,则不要求艇底塞)。
  6.1.4 水瓢1只和用认可材料制成的水桶2只。
  6.1.5 装于救生艇上的舵1具和舵柄1根。
  6.1.6 桅1支或数支,备齐镀锌钢丝牵索及桔黄色帆。
  6.1.7 装于救生艇外围的连环状救生把手索1根;若当艇翻覆时须有能供人员把附于救生艇的认可设施,其式样为:舭龙骨或龙骨扶栏,连同经龙骨底系固于两舷缘的把手索或其他认可的装置。
  6.1.8 太平斧2把,救生艇每端各1把。
  6.1.9 灯1盏,备有足供12小时点燃的油料。
  6.1.10 贮有抗风火柴2盒的水密容器1个。
  6.1.11 涂有发光剂的或具有适当照明装置的有效罗经1具,装在罗经柜内。
  6.1.12 认可尺度的海锚1只,带有足够强度和长度的锚索1根。
  6.1.13 足够长度的艇首缆2根,一根用索环及索眼系于救生艇的前端,以便脱开;另一根系固于救生艇首柱上,以备使用。
  6.1.14 容器1个,内装植物油、鱼油或动物油4.5升。此容器须能易于将油散布于水面,并连着于海锚上。
  6.1.15 能于高空发出明亮红光的认可型降落伞信号4支;发出明亮红光的认可型手持火焰信号6支。
  6.1.16 能产生大量橙黄色烟雾(供白昼用)的认可型漂浮发烟信号2只。
  6.1.17 装于水密箱内的认可的急救药包1套。
  6.1.18 适于发莫尔斯信号的防水手电筒1只,连同备用电池及备用灯泡1只,装在同一水密容器内。
  6.1.19 认可型式的日光信号镜1面。
  6.1.20 装有开罐头器的折刀1把,以短绳系于救生艇上。
  6.1.21 轻质可浮的引缆索2根。
  6.1.22 认可型的手摇泵1具。
  6.1.23 哨笛或同等的音响号具1只。
  6.1.24 认可型雷达反射器1具。*
  6.1.25 钩鱼用具1套。
  6.1.26 颜色鲜明易见的认可型篷盖1具,能用以保护艇上乘员免受暴露所引起的伤害。
  6.1.27 适用的救生信号解说图表1份。
  6.1.28 在救助艇上备求生须知数份。
  6.1.29 供人员由水中攀登救生艇的装置。
  6.1.30 口粮按救生艇每一额定乘员配有不少于8000千焦耳,口粮应保存于气密贮存器中,而贮存器则收藏于水密容器中。
  6.1.31 水密容器数个,内装供救生艇额定乘员每人3升的淡水;或水密容器数个,内装供每人2升的淡水,并连同能提供每人1升淡水的一种认可型海水除盐器,附有短绳的不锈水勺1个;不锈饮料量杯1个。
  6.2 刚性机动救生艇属具
  6.2.1 除不需设桅、帆以及多于半套的桨,但应配备按本附录6.1节所规定的全部属具和带钩艇篙2支。
  6.2.2 能喷射适于扑灭油类火灾的泡沫或其他适宜物质的认可型手提式灭火设备。
  6.2.3 若可行时,配置本公约附则第一百二十三条所规定的属具。
  6.3 气胀式救生艇属具
  6.3.1 单座可浮桨1套;备用可浮桨2支及可浮舵桨1支;桨架1套和橹架一个。牢固附于救生艇上。
  6.3.2 圆头带钩艇篙1支。
  6.3.3 每一艇底孔备艇底塞2枚,以短绳系于救生艇上(备有合格自动阀者,则不要求艇底塞)。
  6.3.4 海绵一块,水瓢1只和用认可材料制成的水桶2只。
  6.3.5 装于救生艇的上部浮胎的外围连环状救生把手索1根和装于救生艇的上部浮胎的内围连环状救生把手索1根,与经龙骨底系固于两舷缘的把手索或其他认可的装置一起。
  6.3.6 灯1盏,备有足供12小时点燃的油料。
  6.3.7 贮有抗风火柴2盒的水密容器1个。
  6.3.8 涂有发光剂的或具有适当照明装置的有效罗经1具,装在罗经柜内。
  6.3.9 认可尺度的海锚1只,带有足够强度和长度的锚索1根。
  6.3.10 足够长度的艇首缆2根,一根用索环及索眼系于救生艇的前端,以便脱开;另一根系固于救生艇首柱上,以备使用。
  6.3.11 容器1个,内装植物油、鱼油或动物油4.5升。此容器须能易于将油散布于水面,并连着于海锚上。
  6.3.12 能于高空发出明亮红光的认可型降落伞信号4支;发出明亮红光的认可型手持火焰信号6支。
  6.3.13 能产生大量橙黄色烟雾(供白昼用)的认可型漂浮式发烟信号2只。
  6.3.14 装于水密箱内的认可的急救药包1套。
  6.3.15 适于发莫尔斯信号的防水手电筒1只,连同备用电池及备用灯泡1只,装在同一水密容器内。
  6.3.16 认可型式日光信号镜1面。
  6.3.17 安全刀一把,以短绳系于救生艇上。
  6.3.18 轻质可浮的引缆索2根。
  6.3.19 哨笛或同等的音响号具1只。
  6.3.20 认可型雷达反射器1具。*
  6.3.21 钓鱼用具1套。
  6.3.22 颜色鲜明易见的认可型篷盖1具,能用以保护艇上乘员免受暴露所引起的伤害。
  6.3.23 适用的救生信号解说图表1份。
  6.3.24 在救生艇上备求生须知数份。
  6.3.25 认可型的修复浮胎破漏的修理用具1副。
  6.3.26 充气泵或充气器1具。
  6.3.27 用于控制充气压力的压力计1只。
  6.3.28 供人员由水中攀登救生艇的装置。
  6.3.29 能迅速拖曳救生艇的装置。
  6.3.30 按救生艇每一额定乘员配有口粮不少于8000千焦耳,并应保存于气密贮存器中,而贮存器则收藏于水密容器中。
  6.3.31 水密容器数个,内装供救生艇额定乘员每人3升的淡水;或水密容器数个,内装供每人2升的淡水,并连同能提供每人1升淡水的一种认可型海水除盐器;附有短绳的不锈水勺1个;不锈饮料量杯1个。
  6.3.32 安全开罐头器3把。
  6.4 机动气胀式救生艇属具
  6.4.1 本附录6.3节所列全部属具。
  6.4.2 适于扑灭油类火灾的泡沫或其他适宜物质的认可型手提式灭火设备。
  6.4.3 若可行时,配置本公约附则第一百二十三条所规定的属具。
  6.5 救生筏属具
  6.5.1 短桨2支。
  6.5.2 系有至少30米长浮索的救生攀附浮圈1个。
  6.5.3 额定乘员不多于12人的救生筏应备安全刀1把,水瓢1只;对额定乘员为13人或13人以上者应备安全刀2把,水瓢2只。
  6.5.4 海绵2块。
  6.5.5 海锚2只。一只固附于救生筏上,另一只系好绳索备用。
  6.5.6 除符合本附录4.1节要求的救生筏外,配修理浮胎破漏用的修理工具1副。
  6.5.7 除符合本附录4.1节要求的救生筏外,配充气泵或充气器1具。
  6.5.8 安全开罐头器3把。
  6.5.9 认可的急救包1套,置于水密箱内。
  6.5.10 适于发莫尔斯信号的防水手电筒1只,连同备用电池及备用灯泡装在同一水密容器内。
  6.5.11 认可型日光信号镜1面和信号哨笛1只。
  6.5.12 能于高空发出明亮红光的认可型降落伞信号2支。
  6.5.13 发出明亮红光的认可型手持火焰信号6支。
  6.5.14 钩鱼用具1套。
  6.5.15 按救生筏每一额定乘员配有口粮不少于8000千焦耳,并保存于气密容器内。
  6.5.16 水密容器数个,内装供救生艇额定乘员每人1.5升的淡水;或用一台功率能为每一乘员生产0.5升淡水的海水除盐器,则每一额定乘员的淡水定量可减去0.5升;不锈饮料量杯1只。
  6.5.17 预防晕船药片(或其它认可的等效药品)按救生筏每一额定乘员6片。
  6.5.18 在救生筏上备求生须知数份。
  6.5.19 适用的救生信号解说图表1份。
  6.6 刚性救助艇属具
  6.6.1 单座可浮桨1套和备用可浮桨1支;但上述可浮桨总数不得少于3支。桨叉或桨架1套,用短绳或链条系附于救助艇上。
  6.6.2 带钩艇篙1支。
  6.6.3 每一艇底孔备艇底塞2枚,以短绳或链条系于救助艇上(备有合格自动阀者,则不要求艇底塞)。
  6.6.4 水瓢1只和水桶1只。
  6.6.5 舵1具和舵柄1根系附于艇上。
  6.6.6 装于救助艇外围的连环状救生把手索1根;若当救助艇翻覆时须有能供人员把附于救助艇的设施,其式样为:舭龙骨或龙骨扶栏。
  6.6.7 具有足够长度和强度的艇首缆1根,系于艇首,并带有索环及索眼,能使救助艇迅速脱开。
  6.6.8 适于发莫尔斯信号的防水手电筒1只,连同备用电池及备用灯泡1只,装在同一水密容器内。
  6.6.9 太平斧1把。
  6.6.10 系有至少30米轻质长浮索的救生攀附浮圈2个。
  6.6.11 认可尺度的海锚1只,带有合适长度和强度的锚索1根。
  6.6.12 哨笛或同等的音响号具1只。
  6.6.13 折刀1把。
  6.6.14 认可型的探照灯1具,除主管机关同意按本公约附则第一百五十二条所规定的手提式白昼信号灯且适于此用途者外。
  6.7 气胀式救助艇属具
  6.7.1 浮桨或短桨至少4把。
  6.7.2 艇底塞1枚,必须以短绳系结于救助艇上。
  6.7.3 水瓢1只;海绵2块。
  6.7.4 绕救助艇的内外两侧各系一条连环状的把手索。
  6.7.5 桨架或舵桨套环1只安设于尾板处。
  6.7.6 具有合适长度和规格的艇首缆2根。
  6.7.7 系有至少30米轻质长浮索的救生攀附浮圈2个。
  6.7.8 认可尺度的海锚1只,带有合适长度和强度的锚索1根。
  6.7.9 适于发莫尔斯信号的防水手电筒1只,连同备用电池和备用灯泡1只同装在同一水密容器内。
  6.7.10 安全刀1把。
  6.7.11 哨笛或同等的音响号具1只。
  6.7.12 修理破漏用的修理工具1副,置于箱中。
  6.7.13 充气泵或充气器1具。
  6.7.14 认可型的探照灯1具,除主管机关同意按本公约附则第一百五十二条所规定的手提式白昼信号灯且适于此用途者外。
  6.8 关于救生艇筏属具的免除
  7.1 除认可的替换降落装置外,吊艇架应为:
  7.2 吊艇架、吊艇索、滑车及一切其他装置的强度,应在救生艇载有两名放艇船员能被转出舷外,然后在载足全部人员及属具后,在船舶向任何一舷横倾15°及纵倾10°的情况下能被安全降落。
  7.3 如设有机动装置用以收回救生艇筏者,仍应配备有效的手动装置。若吊艇架系通过吊艇索的动作而复原时,则应设有安全装置,在吊艇架回到原位限制器前能自动切断动力,以防止钢丝吊艇索或吊艇架受到过度应力。
  7.4 救生艇和用吊架下水的救生筏应使用钢丝吊艇索连同认可型的绞车。主管机关可允许用白棕绳或其他认可材料制成的吊艇索与绞车连用,在救助艇处于最轻载操作条件下,从存放救助艇的甲板到水线的距离不大于4.5米,以及主管机关认为满意的白棕绳或其他认可的吊艇索材料合适,可允许不使用绞车。
  7.5 为了在船舶横倾15°时便于救生艇降落下水,应设置滑撬或其它适当装置。
  7.6 应配置使救生艇或用吊艇架降落的救生筏贴靠并系留在船舷的装置以便乘员安全登乘。
  7.7 在吊艇架横张索上至少应设置救生索2条,吊艇索及救生索的长度应能于船舶在最轻载操作条件下,并向任何一舷横倾15°时足以达到水面。吊艇索的下滑车应装以适当的链环或长链环,以供连接吊艇钩,但装有认可型的联动脱钩装置者例外。
  7.8 附连于吊艇架的救生艇,其吊艇索须随时可用,并应设有将救生艇与吊艇索迅速但不必同时脱开的装置,吊艇索与救生艇的连结点应高于艇舷边的高度以确保救生艇在降落中的稳定。
  8.1 救生衣
  8.1.1 救生衣应以恰当的工艺和材料制成。
  8.1.2 其结构应尽可能清除由于穿着错误而引起的一切危险,但救生衣可反穿者除外。
  8.1.3 救生衣应能将在水中筋疲力尽或失去知觉的人的脸部托出水面,并能使其身体从垂直位置向后倾斜而保持脸部高出水面。
  8.1.4 救生衣应能将落水人员的身体,从任何位置转动至使其身体由垂直位置向后倾斜的安全漂浮位置。
  8.1.5 救生衣应不受石油或石油产品的不利影响。
  8.1.6 救生衣应具有鲜明易见的颜色。
  8.1.7 救生衣应备有认可型的哨笛,并用细绳牢固系结。
  8.1.8 具备上述性能的救生衣,其浮力应在浸入淡水24小时后不得降低5%以上。
  8.1.9 依靠充气作浮力的救生衣浮力应具备:
  8.1.10 救生衣应经试验,令主管机关满意。*
  8.2 救生圈
  8.2.1 救生圈应以软木块或任何其它等效材料制成。
  8.2.2 救生圈应能于淡水中支撑至少14.5公斤的铁块达24小时之久。
  8.2.3 救生圈应不受石油或石油产品的不利影响。
  8.2.4 救生圈应具有鲜明易见颜色。
  8.2.5 救生圈应以正楷字体标明其所从属的船舶名称和船籍港或捕鱼许可证号。
  8.2.6 用塑料或其它合成化合物制造的救生圈,当其接触海水或石油产品时,或在大海航行中遇到温度变化或气候变化的情况下,应能保持其浮性和耐久性。
  8.2.7 每一救生圈均应装质量良好、不打结、牢固系于四个等距点上、形成四个连环状的把手索。
  8.2.8 新制成的救生圈重量不应超过6.15公斤。装有自亮浮灯和自发烟雾信号的救生圈的重量不应少于4公斤。
  8.2.9 救生圈禁止充填灯芯草、软木刨片、软木粒或其它任何松散的粒状材料,且其浮力不应依靠充气空气腔。

             OF FISHINGVESSELS, 1977

Whole document


Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels,1977 Annex-Regulations for the Construction and Equipment of Fishing Vessels

Chapter I General Provisions

Chapter II Construction, Watertight Integrity and Equipment

Chapter III Stability and Associated Seaworthiness

Chapter IV Machinery and Electrical Installations and Periodically
Unattended Machinery Spaces

Part A-General

Part B-Machinery Installations

Part C-Electrical Installations

Part D-Periodically Unattended Machinery Spaces

Chapter V Fire Protection, Fire Detection, Fire Extinction and Fire

Part A-Fire Safety Measures in Vessels of 55 Metres in Length and Over

Part B-Fire Safety Measures in Vessels of Less than 55 Metres in Length

Chapter VI Protection of the Crew

Chapter VII Life-Saving Appliances

Chapter VIII Emergency Procedures, Musters and Drills

Chapter IX Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephony

Part A-Application and Definitions

Part B-Watches

Part C-Technical Requirements

Part D-Radio Logs

Chapter X Shipborne Navigational Equipment

Appendix 1 Certificates

Appendix 2 Specification for Life-Saving Appliances



DESIRING to promote the safety of ships in general and the safety of
fishing vessels in particular,

BEARING IN MIND the outstanding contribution of the International
Conventions for the Safety of Life at Sea and also the International
Conventions on Load Lines in promoting the safety of ships,

RECOGNIZING that fishing vessels are exempt from almost all the
requirements of those International Conventions,

DESIRING THEREFORE to establish in common agreement uniform principles
and rules concerning the construction and equipment of fishing vessels
directed to the safety of such vessels and their crews,

CONSIDERING that this end may best be achieved by the conclusion of a

HAVE AGREED as follows:

ARTICLE 1 General Obligations under the Convention

The Parties shall give effect to the provisions of the Convention and
the Annex thereto, which shall constitute an integral part of the
Convention. Unless expressly provided otherwise, a reference to the
Convention constitutes at the same time a reference to the Annex.

ARTICLE 2 Definitions

For the purpose of the Convention, unless expressly provided

(a) "Party" means a State for which the Convention has entered
into force.

(b) "Fishing vessel" or "vessel" means any vessel used
commercially for catching fish, whales, seals, walrus or other living
resources of the sea.

(c) "Organization" means the Inter-Governmental Maritime
Consultative Organization.

(d) "Secretary-General" means the Secretary-General of the

(e) "Administration" means the Government of the State whose flag
the vessel is entitled to fly.

ARTICLE 3 Application

The Convention shall apply to seagoing fishing vessels entitled to fly
the flag of a State which is a Party.

ARTICLE 4 Certification and Control

(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), a certificate issued
under the authority of a Party in accordance with the provisions of the
Convention shall be accepted by the other Parties and regarded for all
Purposes covered by the Convention as having the same validity as a
certificate issued by them.

(2) Every vessel holding a certificate issued under Regulation 7 or 8
is subject, in the ports of other Parties, to control by officers duly
authorized by such Parties in so far as this control is directed towardsverifying that there is on board a valid certificate. Such certificate
shall be accepted unless there are clear grounds for believing that the
condition of the vessel or its equipment does not correspond substantially
with the particulars of that certificate. In that case, or if there is not
a valid certificate, the officer carrying out the control shall forthwith
inform the Consul or, in his absence, the diplomatic representative of
the Party whose flag the vessel is entitled to fly, of all the
circumstances for which corrective action by that Party would be deemed
necessary and the facts shall be reported to the Organization. The officer
carrying out the control shall take such steps as will ensure that the
vessel shall not sail until it can proceed to sea without danger to the
vessel or persons on board.

ARTICLE 5 Force Majeure

(1) A vessel which is not subject to the provisions of the Convention
or which is not required to hold a certificate in accordance with the
provisions of the Convention at the time of its departure on any voyage
shall not become subject to such provisions on account of any deviation
from its intended voyage due to stress of weather or any other cause of
force majeure.

(2) Persons who are on board a vessel by reason of force majeure or in
consequence of the obligation to carry shipwrecked or other persons shall
not be taken into account for the purpose of ascertaining the application
to the vessel of any provisions of the Convention.

ARTICLE 6 Communication of Information

(1) The Parties shall communicate to the Organization:

(a) the text of laws, orders, decrees, regulations and other
instruments which have been promulgated on the various matters within the
scope of the Convention;

(b) a list of non-governmental agencies which are authorized to
act on their behalf in matters relating to the design, construction andequipment of vessels in accordance with the provisions of the Convention;

(c) a sufficient number of specimens of their certificates issued
under the provisions of the Convention.

(2) The Organization shall notify all Parties of the receipt of any
communication under paragraph (1)(a) and shall circulate to them any
information communicated to it under paragraph (1)(b) and (c).

ARTICLE 7 Casualties to Fishing Vessels

(1) Each Party shall arrange for an investigation of any casualty
occurring to any of its vessels subject to the provisions of the
Convention, when it judges that such an investigation may assist in
determining what changes in the Convention might be desirable.

(2) Each Party shall supply the Organization with pertinent
information concerning the findings of such investigation for circulation
to all Parties. No reports or recommendations of the Organization based
upon such information shall disclose the identity or nationality of the
vessels concerned, or in any manner fix or imply responsibility upon anyvessel or person.

ARTICLE 8 Other Treaties and Interpretation

Nothing in this Convention shall prejudice the codification and
development of the law of the sea by the United Nations Conference on the
Law of the Sea convened pursuant to Resolution 2750 (XXV) of the GeneralAssembly of the United Nations nor the present or future claims and legal
views of any State concerning the law of the sea and the nature and extent
of coastal and flag State jurisdiction.

ARTICLE 9 Signature, Ratification, Acceptance, Approval and Ac-cession

(1) The Convention shall remain open for signature at the Headquarters
of the Organization from 1 October 1977 until 30 June 1978 and shall
thereafter remain open for accession. All States may become Parties to the
Convention by:

(a) signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptance
or approval; or

(b) signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval,
followed by ratification, acceptance or approval; or

(c) accession.

(2) Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected
by the deposit of an instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General.

(3) The Secretary-General shall inform all States which have signed
the Convention or acceded to it of any signature or of the deposit of any
new instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession and the
date of its deposit.

ARTICLE 10 Entry into Force

(1) The Convention shall enter into force 12 months after the date on
which not less than 15 States have either signed it without reservation as
to ratification, acceptance, or approval or have deposited the requisiteinstruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in
accordance with Article 9, the aggregate of whose fleets of fishing
vessels constitutes not less than 50 per cent by number of the world''s
fleet of fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and over.

(2) The Organization shall inform the States which have signed the
Convention or acceded to it of the date on which it enters into force.

(3) For States which have deposited an instrument of ratification,
acceptance, approval or accession in respect of the Convention after therequirements for entry into force thereof have been met but prior to thedate of entry into force, the ratification, acceptance, approval or
accession shall take effect on the date of entry into force of the
Convention or three months after the date of deposit of the instrument,
whichever is the later date.

(4) For States which have deposited an instrument of ratification,
acceptance, approval or accession after the date on which the Conventionentered into force, the Convention shall become effective three months
after the date of deposit of the instrument.

(5) After the date on which all the conditions required under Article
11 to bring an amendment to the Convention into force have been fulfilled,
any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
deposited shall apply to the Convention as amended.

ARTICLE 11 Amendments

(1) The Convention may be amended by either of the procedures
specified in this Article.

(2) Amendments after consideration within the Organization:

(a) Any amendment proposed by a Party shall be submitted to the
Secretary-General, who shall then circulate it to all Members of the
Organization and to all the Parties at least six months prior to its

(b) Any amendment proposed and circulated as above shall be
referred to the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization for

(c) Parties whether or not Members of the Organization, shall be
entitled to participate in the proceedings of the Maritime Safety
Committee for the consideration and adoption of amendments.

(d) Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the
Parties present and voting in the Maritime Safety Committee expanded as
provided for in sub-paragraph (c) (hereinafter referred to as "the
expanded Maritime Safety Committee") on condition that at least one-third
of the Parties shall be present at the time of voting.

(e) Amendments adopted in accordance with sub-paragraph (d) shall
be communicated by the Secretary-General to all the Parties.

(f) (i) An amendment to an Article or to Regulations 1 and 3 to 11
shall be deemed to have been accepted on the date on which it is accepted
by two-thirds of the Parties.

(ii) An amendment to the Annex other than to Regulations 1 and
3 to 11 shall be deemed to have been accepted:

(aa) at the end of two years from the date on which it is
communicated to the Parties for acceptance; or

(bb) at the end of a different period, which shall not be
less than one year, if so determined at the time of its adoption by a
two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting in the expanded
Maritime Safety Committee.

However, if within the specified period either more than
one-third of the Parties, or Parties the aggregate of whose fleets of
fishing vessels constitutes not less than 50 per cent by number of the
fleet of fishing vessels of all the Parties of 24 metres in length and
over, notify the Secretary-General that they object to the amendment, itshall be deemed not to have been accepted.

(iii) An amendment to an Appendix to the Annex shall be deemed
to have been accepted at the end of a period to be determined by the
expanded Maritime Safety Committee at the time of its adoption, which
period shall be not less than ten months, unless within that period an
objection is communicated to the Organization by not less than one-thirdof the Parties, or Parties the aggregate of whose fleets of fishing
vessels constitutes not less than 50 per cent by number of the fleet of
fishing vessels of all the Parties of 24 metres in length and over.

(g) (i) An amendment to an Article or to Regulations 1 and 3 to 11
shall enter into force with respect to those Parties which have acceptedit, six months after the date on which it is deemed to have been accepted,
and with respect to each Party which accepts it after that date, six
months after the date of that Party''s acceptance.

(ii) An amendment to the Annex other than to Regulations 1 and
3 to 11 and to an Appendix to the Annex shall enter into force with
respect to all Parties, except those which have objected to the amendment
under sub-paragraphs (f) (ii) and (iii) and which have not withdrawn such
objections, six months after the date on which it is deemed to have beenaccepted. However, before the date set for entry into force any Party may
give notice to the Secretary-General that it exempts itself from giving
effect to that amendment for a period not longer than one year from the
date of its entry into force, or for such longer period as may be
determined by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting inthe expanded Maritime Safety Committee at the time of the adoption of the

(3) Amendment by a Conference:

(a) Upon the request of a Party concurred in by at least one-third
of the Parties, the Organization shall convene a Conference of the Parties
to consider amendments to the Convention.

(b) Every amendment adopted by such a Conference by a two-thirds
majority of the Parties present and voting shall be communicated by the
Secretary-General to all the parties for acceptance.

(c) Unless the Conference decides otherwise, the amendment shall
be deemed to have been accepted and shall enter into force in accordancewith the procedures specified in paragraph (2) (f) and (g) respectively,provided that references in those subparagraphs to the expanded MaritimeSafety Committee shall be taken to mean references to the Conference.

(4) Any Party which has declined to accept the amendment to the Annex
shall be deemed not to be a Party for the purpose of application of thatamendment.

(5) Unless expressly provided otherwise, any amendment to the
Convention which relates to the structure of a vessel, shall apply only to
vessels for which, on or after the date of entry into force of the

(a) the keel is laid; or

(b) construction identifiable with a specific vessel begins; or

(c) assembly has commenced comprising at least 50 tonnes or 1 per
cent of the estimated mass of all structural material; whichever is the

(6) Any declaration of acceptance of, or objection to, an amendment or
any notice given under paragraph (2) (g) (ii) shall be submitted in
writing to the Secretary-General who shall inform all the Parties of anysuch submission and of the date of its receipt.

(7) The Secretary-General shall inform all the Parties of any
amendments which enter into force, together with the date on which each
such amendment enters into force.

ARTICLE 12 Denunciation

(1) The Convention may be denounced by any Party at any time after the
expiry of five years from the date on which the Convention enters into
force for that Party.

(2) Denunciation shall be effected by notification in writing to the
Secretary-General who shall inform all other Parties of any such
notification received and of the date of its receipt as well as the dateon which such denunciation takes effect.

(3) A denunciation shall take effect 12 months after receipt of the
notification of denunciation by the Secretary-General or after the expiry
of any longer period which may be indicated in the notification.

ARTICLE 13 Deposit and Registration

(1) The Convention shall be deposited with the Secretary-General who
shall transmit certified true copies thereof to all the States which have
signed the Convention or acceded to it.

(2) As soon as the Convention enters into force, the text shall be
transmitted by the Secretary-General to the Secretary-General of the
United Nations for registration and publication, in accordance with
Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

ARTICLE 14 Languages

The Convention is established in a single copy in the English, French,
Russian and Spanish languages, each text being equally authentic. Official
translations in the Arabic, German and Italian languages shall be prepared
and deposited with the signed original.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized by their
respective Governments for that purpose, have signed the Convention.*

[* Signatures omitted.]

DONE AT TORREMOLINOS this second day of April one thousand nine
hundred and seventy-seven.



Regulation 1 Application

(1) Unless expressly provided otherwise, the provisions of this Annex
shall apply to new fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and over,
including vessels also processing their catch.

(2) The provisions of this Annex shall not apply to vessels
exclusively used:

(a) for sport or recreation;

(b) for processing fish or other living resources of the sea;

(c) for research and training; or

(d) as fish carriers.

Regulation 2 Definitions

(1) "New vessel" is a fishing vessel for which, on or after the date
of entry into force of the Convention:

(a) the building or major conversion contract is placed; or

(b) the building or major conversion contract has been placed
before the date of entry into force of the Convention, and which is
delivered three years or more after the date of such entry into force; or

(c) in the absence of a building contract:

(i) the keel is laid; or

(ii) construction identifiable with a specific vessel begins;or

(iii) assembly has commenced comprising at least 50 tonnes or
1 per cent of the estimated mass of all structural material; whichever is
the less.

(2) "Existing vessel" is a fishing vessel which is not a new vessel.

(3) "Approved" means approved by the Administration.

(4) "Crew" means the skipper and all persons employed or engaged in
any capacity on board a vessel on the business of that vessel.

(5) "The length (L)" shall be taken as 96 per cent of the total length
on a waterline at 85 per cent of the least depth measured from the keel
line, or as the length from the foreside of the stem to the axis of the
rudder stock on that waterline, if that be greater. In vessels designedwith rake of keel the waterline on which this length is measured shall be
parallel to the designed waterline.

(6) "The forward and after perpendiculars" shall be taken at the
forward and after ends of the length (L). The forward perpendicular shall
be coincident with the foreside of the stem on the waterline on which the
length is measured.

(7) "The breadth (B)" is the maximum breadth of the vessel, measured
amidships to the moulded line of the frame in a vessel with a metal shell
and to the outer surface of the hull in a vessel with a shell of any other

(8) (a) "The depth (D)" is the vertical distance measured amidships
from the keel line to the top of the working deck beam at side.

(b) In vessels having rounded gunwales, the depth shall be
measured to the point of intersection of the moulded lines of the deck and
side shell plating, the lines extending as though the gunwale were of
angular design.

(c) Where the working deck is stepped and the raised part of the
deck extends over the point at which the depth is to be determined, the
depth shall be measured to a line of reference extending from the lower
part of the deck along a line parallel with the raised part.

(9) "Deepest operating waterline" is the waterline related to the
maximum permissible operating draught.

(10) "Amidships" is the mid-length of L.

(11) "Midship section" is that section of the hull defined by the
intersection of the moulded surface of the hull with a vertical plane
perpendicular to the waterline and centreline planes passing through

(12) "Keel line" is the line parallel to the slope of keel passing
amidships through:

(a) the top of the keel or line of intersection of the inside of
shell plating with the keel where a bar keel extends above that line of a
vessel with a metal shell; or

(b) the rabbet lower line of the keel of a vessel with a shell of
wood or a composite vessel; or

(c) the intersection of a fair extension of the outside of the
shell contour at the bottom with the centreline of a vessel with shell of
material other than wood and metal.

(13) "Baseline" is the horizontal line intersecting at amidships the
keel line.

(14) "Working deck" is generally the lowest complete deck above the
deepest operating waterline from which fishing is undertaken. In vesselsfitted with two or more complete decks, the Administration may accept alower deck as a working deck provided that that deck is situated above the
deepest operating waterline.

(15) "Superstructure" is the decked structure on the working deck
extending from side to side of the vessel or with the side plating not
being inboard of the shell plating more than 0.04 B.

(16) "Enclosed superstructure" is a superstructure with:

(a) enclosing bulkheads of efficient construction;

(b) access openings, if any, in those bulkheads fitted with
permanently attached weathertight doors of a strength equivalent to the
unpierced structure which can be operated from each side; and

(c) other openings in sides or ends of the superstructure fitted
with efficient weathertight means of closing.

A bridge or poop shall not be regarded as enclosed unless access is
provided for the crew to reach machinery and other working spaces insidethose superstructures by alternative means which are available at all
times when bulkhead openings are closed.

(17) "Superstructure deck" is that complete or partial deck forming
the top of a superstructure, deckhouse or other erection situated at a
height of not less than 1.8 metres above the working deck. Where this
height is less than 1.8 metres, the top of such deckhouses or other
erections shall be treated in the same way as the working deck.

(18) "Height of a superstructure or other erection" is the least
vertical distance measured at side from the top of the deck beams of a
superstructure or an erection to the top of the working deck beams.

(19) "Weathertight" means that in any sea conditions water will not
penetrate into the vessel.

(20) "Watertight" means capable of preventing the passage of water
through the structure in any direction under a head of water for which the
surrounding structure is designed.

(21) "Collision bulkhead" is a watertight bulkhead up to the working
deck in the forepart of the vessel which meets the following conditions:
(a) The bulkhead shall be located at a distance from the forward

(i) not less than 0.05L and not more than 0.08L for vessels of
45 metres in length and over;

(ii) not less than 0.05L and not more than 0.05L plus 1.35
metres for vessels of less than 45 metres in length, except as may be
allowed by the Administration;

(iii) in no case, less than 2.0 metres.

(b) Where any part of the underwater body extends forward of the
forward perpendicular, e.g. a bulbous bow, the distance stipulated in
sub-paragraph (a) shall be measured from a point at mid-length of the
extension forward of the forward perpendicular or from a point 0.015L
forward of the forward perpendicular, whichever is less.

(c) The bulkhead may have steps or recesses provided they are
within the limits prescribed in sub-paragraph (a).

(22) "Main steering gear" is the machinery, the steering gear power
units, if any, and ancillary equipment and the means of applying torque to
the rudder stock (e. g. tiller or quadrant) necessary for effecting
movement of the rudder for the purpose of steering the vessel under normal
service conditions.

(23) "Auxiliary means of activating the rudder" is the equipment which
is provided for effecting movement of the rudder for the purpose of
steering the vessel in the event of failure of the main steering gear.

(24) "Steering gear power unit" means in the case of:

(a) electric steering gear, an electric motor and its associated
electrical equipment;

(b) electro-hydraulic steering gear, an electric motor and its
associated electrical equipment and connected pump; and

(c) other hydraulic steering gear, a driving engine and connected

(25) "Maximum ahead service speed" is the greatest speed which the
vessel is designed to maintain in service at sea at its maximum
permissible operating draught.

(26) "Maximum astern speed" is the speed which it is estimated the
vessel can attain at the designed maximum astern power at its maximum
permissible operating draught.

(27) "Fuel oil unit" is the equipment used for the preparation of fuel
oil for delivery to an oil-fired boiler, or equipment used for the
preparation of oil for delivery to an internal combustion engine, and
includes any oil pressure pumps, filters and heaters dealing with oil at
a pressure greater than 0.18 newtons per square millimetre.

(28) "Normal operational and habitable conditions" means conditions
under which the vessel as a whole, its machinery, services, means of main
and auxiliary propulsion, steering gear and associated equipment, aids to
safe navigation and to limit the risks of fire and flooding, internal and
external means of communicating and signalling, means of escape and

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