





|  |    |       |          |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description     |国关税税|
|  |    |       |          |率(%)|
|1  |01063990|未列名鸟   |Birds, nes     |10   |
|  |    |其他非食用活 |Other Live animals, |    |
|2  |01069090|       |          |10   |
|  |    |动物     |not edible     |    |
|3  |03033300|冻鳎鱼    |Frozen sole     |12   |
|  |    |       |             |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description        |国关税税|
|  |    |       |             |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Frozen flat fish     |    |
|4  |03033900|其他冻比目鱼 |(excl. halibut, plaice & |10   |
|  |    |       |sole)           |    |
|  |    |冻鲱鱼(大西洋|Frozen herrings      |    |
|5  |03035000|鲱鱼、太平洋鲱|             |10   |
|  |    |鱼)     |(excl. livers & roes)   |    |
|  |    |冻沙丁鱼、黍 |Frozen sardines,     |    |
|6  |03037100|       |             |12   |
|  |    |鲱鱼     |brisling or sprats    |    |
|  |    |       |Frozen scabber fish    |    |
|7  |03037910|冻带鱼    |             |10   |
|  |    |       |(trichurius)       |    |
|8  |03037990|未列名冻鱼  |Frozen fish, nes     |10   |
|9  |03038000|冻鱼肝及鱼卵 |Frozen fish livers & roes |10   |
|  |    |       |Frozen fish meat     |    |
|10 |03049000|冻鱼肉    |             |13   |
|  |    |       |(excl. fillets)      |    |
|  |    |       |Dried sharks'' fins,    |    |
|11 |03055920|干鱼翅    |             |15   |
|  |    |       |not smoked        |    |
|  |    |       |Other dried fish,     |    |
|12 |03055990|其他干鱼   |             |16   |
|  |    |       |not smoked        |    |
|13 |03061319|其他冻带壳小虾|Frozen shrimps in shell  |5    |
|14 |03061329|冻带壳对虾  |Frozen prawns in shell  |5    |
|15 |03061490|其他冻蟹   |Other frozen crabs, nes  |13   |
|  |    |冻、干、盐腌或|Cuttle fish & squid,   |    |
|16 |03074900|       |frozen, dried, saltd or  |12   |
|  |    |盐渍墨鱼及鱿鱼|in brine         |    |
|  |    |        |             |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称    |Description        |国关税税|
|  |    |        |             |率(%)|
|  |    |冻、干、盐腌或 |Octopus, frozen,     |    |
|17 |03075900|        |             |17   |
|  |    |盐渍章鱼    |dried, salted or in brine |    |
|  |    |冻、干、盐腌或 |Sea cucumbers,      |    |
|18 |03079920|        |frozen, dried, salted or |13   |
|  |    |盐渍海参    |in brine         |    |
|  |    |兽牙;兽牙粉末 |Ivory, its powder &    |    |
|19 |05071000|        |             |10   |
|  |    |及废料     |waste, un-worked     |    |
|  |    |珊瑚等;软体、甲|Coral; shells of     |    |
|20 |05080090|壳或棘皮动物壳,|molluscs, crustaceans,  |12   |
|  |    |墨鱼骨     |etc, not cut to shape   |    |
|  |    |鱼、甲壳、软体 |Products of fish, etc;  |    |
|21 |05119110|动物等水生无脊 |dead animals of      |12   |
|  |    |椎动物的产品  |Chapter 3         |    |
|  |    |其他制花束或装 |Parts of plants, without |    |
|22 |06049900|饰用不带花的植 |flowers or buds, for   |10   |
|  |    |物枝、叶及草  |ornamental purposes    |    |
|  |    |        |Cashew nuts, in shell,  |    |
|23 |08013100|未去壳腰果   |             |20   |
|  |    |        |fresh or dried      |    |
|  |    |未焙炒未浸除咖 |Coffee, not roasted    |    |
|24 |09011100|        |             |8    |
|  |    |啡碱的咖啡   |or decaffeinated     |    |
|  |    |未焙炒已浸除咖 |Decaffeinated coffee,   |    |
|25 |09011200|        |             |8    |
|  |    |啡碱的咖啡   |not roasted        |    |
|26 |09050000|香子兰豆    |Vanilla          |15   |
|  |    |丁香(母丁香、 |Cloves (whole fruit,   |    |
|27 |09070000|        |             |3    |
|  |    |公丁香及丁香梗)|cloves & stems)      |    |
|  |    |       |             |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description        |国关税税|
|  |    |       |             |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Sesamum seeds excl    |    |
|28 |12074090|其他芝麻   |             |10   |
|  |    |       |for sowing        |    |
|  |    |主要用作香料的|Plants and parts of    |    |
|29 |12119050|       |plants, used       |8    |
|  |    |植物及其某部分|in perfumery       |    |
|  |    |未列名海草及其|Edible seaweeds and    |    |
|30 |12122090|       |other algae, fresh chilled|17   |
|  |    |他藻类    |frozen or dried nes    |    |
|31 |13012000|阿拉伯胶   |Gum Arabic        |15   |
|  |    |乳香、没药及 |Olibanum, myrrh and    |    |
|32 |13019020|       |             |3    |
|  |    |血竭     |dragon''s blood      |    |
|  |    |未列名主要作编|Other vegetable plaiting |    |
|33 |14019090|       |             |10   |
|  |    |结用的植物材料|materials, nes      |    |
|  |    |       |Vegetable         |    |
|34 |14049000|未列名植物产品|             |15   |
|  |    |       |products, nes       |    |
|  |    |其他椰子油及其|Coconut copra oil     |    |
|35 |15131900|       |(excl. crude) &      |10   |
|  |    |分离品    |fractions thereof     |    |
|  |    |其他制作或保藏|Prepared or preserved   |    |
|36 |16041990|的鱼,整条或 |fish           |12   |
|  |    |切块     |(excl. minced), nes    |    |
|  |    |整颗或破碎的可|Cocoa beans, whole or   |    |
|37 |18010000|可豆,生的或焙|             |8    |
|  |    |炒的     |broken, raw or roasted  |    |
|38 |18040000|可可脂、可可油|Cocoa butter, fat & oil  |22   |
|  |    |       |             |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description        |国关税税|
|  |    |       |             |率(%)|
|  |    |非醋方法制作或|Potatoes, preserved o/  |    |
|39 |20041000|保藏的冷冻马 |t by vinegar or acetic  |13   |
|  |    |铃薯     |acid, frozen       |    |
|40 |25061000|石英     |Quartz          |3    |
|  |    |原状或粗加修整|Crude or roughly     |    |
|41 |25062100|       |             |3    |
|  |    |石英岩    |trimmed quartzite     |    |
|  |    |       |Quartzite cut into blocks |    |
|42 |25062900|其他石英岩  |or slabs of a       |3    |
|  |    |       |rectangular shape     |    |
|  |    |       |Other clays, nes,     |    |
|43 |25084000|其他粘土   |             |3    |
|  |    |       |whether or not calcined  |    |
|  |    |红柱石、蓝晶石|Andalusite, kyanite &   |    |
|44 |25085000|       |sillimanite, whether or  |3    |
|  |    |及硅线石   |not calcined       |    |
|  |    |       |Slate, whether or not   |    |
|  |    |       |roughly trimmed or cut  |    |
|45 |25140000|板岩     |into blocks or slabs of a |3    |
|  |    |       |rectangular        |    |
|  |    |       |(incl. square) shape   |    |
|  |    |原状或粗加修整|Marble & travertine    |    |
|46 |25151100|的大理石及石 |crude or         |4    |
|  |    |灰华     |roughly trimmed      |    |
|  |    |原状或粗加修整|Granite, crude or     |    |
|47 |25161100|       |             |4    |
|  |    |的花岗岩   |roughly trimmed      |    |
|  |    |原状或粗加修整|Sandstone, crude or    |    |
|48 |25162100|       |             |3    |
|  |    |的砂岩    |roughly trimmed      |    |
|  |    |       |              |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description         |国关税税|
|  |    |       |              |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Pebbles, gravel,      |    |
|  |    |       |broken or crushed      |    |
|  |    |       |stone, commonly used    |    |
|  |    |卵石、砾石及碎|for concrete        |    |
|49 |25171000|石,圆石子及 |aggregates, for road    |4    |
|  |    |燧石     |metalling or for railway  |    |
|  |    |       |or other ballast, shingle & |    |
|  |    |       |flint, whether or not    |    |
|  |    |       |heat--treated        |    |
|  |    |       |Granules, chippings &    |    |
|  |    |2515及2516所 |powder, of stones      |    |
|50 |25174900|列各种石料的碎|(excl. marble) of      |    |
|  |    |粒、碎屑及粉末|heading 25.15 & 25.16,   |3    |
|  |    |       |whether or not       |    |
|  |    |       |heat--treated        |    |
|  |    |       |Mineral           |    |
|51 |25309090|未列名矿产品 |              |3    |
|  |    |       |substances, nes       |    |
|  |    |主要含铜矿灰及|Ash & residues containing  |    |
|52 |26203000|       |mainly copper &       |4    |
|  |    |残渣     |compound thereof      |    |
|53 |27101991|润滑油    |Lubricating oils      |6    |
|  |    |沥青页岩、油页|Bituminous or oil shale &  |    |
|54 |27141000|       |              |6    |
|  |    |岩及焦油砂  |tar sands          |    |
|  |    |       |Monophenols and their    |    |
|55 |29071990|未列名一元酚 |              |6    |
|  |    |       |salts, nes         |    |
|  |    |       |Ether--phenols,       |    |
|  |    |醚酚、醚醇酚及|ether--alcohol--phenols   |6    |
|56 |29095000|其卤、磺、硝或|and their halogenatd,    |    |
|  |    |亚硝化衍生物 |sulphonated, nitrated or  |    |
|  |    |       |nitrosated derivatives   |    |
|  |    |       |              |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description         |国关税税|
|  |    |       |              |率(%)|
|  |    |棕榈酸及其盐和|Palmitic acid, its salts  |    |
|57 |29157090|酯、硬脂酸盐 |and esters; salts and    |6    |
|  |    |和酯     |esters of stearic acid   |    |
|58 |29392100|奎宁及其盐  |Quinine and its salts    |4    |
|  |    |       |Essential oils of lemon   |    |
|59 |33011300|柠檬油    |(incl. concretes &     |20   |
|  |    |       |absolutes)         |    |
|  |    |       |Essential oils other than  |    |
|60 |33012990|未列名非柑桔属|of citrus fruit,      |    |
|  |    |果实精油   |(incl. concretes &     |16   |
|  |    |       |absolutes), nes       |    |
|  |    |       |Concentrates of essential  |    |
|  |    |       |oils in fats, in fixed oils,|    |
|  |    |       |in waxes or the like;    |    |
|  |    |含浓缩精油的制|terpenic by--products of  |20   |
|61 |33019090|品;其他萜烯副|the deterpenation of    |    |
|  |    |产品及精油液 |essential oils       |    |
|  |    |       |(excl. citrus fruits);   |    |
|  |    |       |aqueous distillates &    |    |
|  |    |       |aqueous solutions of    |    |
|  |    |       |essential oils       |    |
|  |    |其他工业用混合|Odoriferous substances   |    |
|62 |33029000|香料及香料为基|used as raw materials in  |16   |
|  |    |本成分混合物 |other industry       |    |
|  |    |       |Lubricating         |    |
|  |    |       |preparations, containing  |    |
|63 |34031900|矿物油<70%的|petroleum oils or oils   |10   |
|  |    |润滑剂    |obtained from        |    |
|  |    |       |bituminous minerals and   |    |
|  |    |       |their weight <70%     |    |
|  |    |       |             |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description        |国关税税|
|  |    |       |             |率(%)|
|  |    |苯乙烯聚合物的|Waste, parings &     |    |
|64 |39152000|       |scrap, of polymers    |11   |
|  |    |废碎料及下脚料|of styrene        |    |
|  |    |其他塑料的废碎|Waste, parings &     |    |
|65 |39159000|       |scrap, of other      |11   |
|  |    |料及下脚料  |plastics, nes       |    |
|  |    |       |Self--adhesive tape,   |    |
|  |    |其他宽≤20cm |plates, strip, sheet,   |    |
|66 |39191099|成卷塑料胶粘 |film, foil & other flat  |6    |
|  |    |板、片、膜、 |shapes, of plastics, in  |    |
|  |    |箔等     |rolls, width≤      |    |
|  |    |       |20cm, nes         |    |
|  |    |未列名塑料板、|Other plates, strips,   |    |
|67 |39219090|片、膜、箔、 |sheet, film of      |6    |
|  |    |扁条     |plastics, nes       |    |
|  |    |塑料坐浴盆、便|Bidets, lavatory pans &  |    |
|68 |39229000|盆、抽水箱及类|other sanitary ware of  |10   |
|  |    |似卫生洁具  |plastics, nes       |    |
|  |    |塑料制机器及仪|Machine or instruments  |    |
|69 |39269010|       |             |10   |
|  |    |器用零件   |parts of plastics     |    |
|70 |39269090|未列名塑料制品|Articles of plastics, nes |10   |
|  |    |机动小客车用新|New pneumatic tyres,   |    |
|71 |40111000|       |of rubber of a kind used |13   |
|  |    |的充气橡胶轮胎|on motor cars       |    |
|  |    |硫化橡胶制机器|Gaskets, washers/     |    |
|72 |40169310|及仪器垫片、垫|seals of vulcanized    |8    |
|  |    |圈等密封垫  |rubber for machines    |    |
|  |    |       |             |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description        |国关税税|
|  |    |       |             |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Chrome--tanned bovine   |    |
|  |    |全粒面未剖层及|leather (wetblue skin   |    |
|73 |41041111|粒面剖层蓝湿 |leather), full grains,  |7    |
|  |    |牛皮     |unsplit, or grain splits, |    |
|  |    |       |not further prepared   |    |
|  |    |       |Wet blue bovine      |    |
|74 |41041911|其他蓝湿牛皮 |leather, not further   |7    |
|  |    |       |prepared, nes       |    |
|  |    |       |Wet--blue sheep or    |    |
|75 |41051010|蓝湿绵羊或羔 |lamb skin leather,    |    |
|  |    |羊皮     |without wool on, but   |14   |
|  |    |       |not further prepared,   |    |
|  |    |       |whether or not split   |    |
|  |    |       |Sheep or lamb skin    |    |
|  |    |       |leather, in the wet    |    |
|  |    |       |state other than wet--  |    |
|76 |41051090|其他绵羊或羔羊|blue, without wool on,  |10   |
|  |    |湿革     |but not further      |    |
|  |    |       |prepared, whether or   |    |
|  |    |       |not split         |    |
|  |    |       |Sheep or lamb skin    |    |
|  |    |       |leather, in the dry state |    |
|77 |41053000|绵羊或羔羊干革|(crust), without wool   |8    |
|  |    |(坯革)   |on, but not further    |    |
|  |    |       |prepared, whether or   |    |
|  |    |       |not split         |    |
|  |    |       |             |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description        |国关税税|
|  |    |       |             |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Goat or kid skin leather, |    |
|  |    |山羊或小山羊湿|in the wet state     |    |
|78 |41062100|革(包括蓝湿 |(incl. wet--blue),    |    |
|  |    |皮)     |without hair on, but not |14   |
|  |    |       |further prepared,     |    |
|  |    |       |whether or not split   |    |
|  |    |       |Leather of reptiles,   |    |
|  |    |经鞣制的不带毛|tanned or crust,     |    |
|79 |41064000|爬行动物皮及其|without hair on, but not |14   |
|  |    |坯革     |further prepared,     |    |
|  |    |       |whether or not split   |    |
|  |    |       |Leather further prepared |    |
|  |    |       |after tanning or crusting,|    |
|  |    |       |including parchment--   |    |
|  |    |       |dressed leather, of    |    |
|  |    |       |bovine (including     |    |
|80 |41079200|粒面剖层革(整|buffalo) or equine    |    |
|  |    |张革除外)  |animals, without hair on, |5    |
|  |    |       |whether or not split,   |    |
|  |    |       |other than leather of   |    |
|  |    |       |heading 41.14, other   |    |
|  |    |       |than whole hides and   |    |
|  |    |       |skins, grains       |    |
|  |    |       |Leather further prepared |    |
|  |    |鞣制或半硝后加|after tanning or crusting,|    |
|  |    |工的不带毛的绵|including parchment--   |    |
|81 |41120000|羊或羔羊皮革,|dressed leather, of    |    |
|  |    |但税目 41.14的|sheep or lamb, without  |8    |
|  |    |皮革除外   |wool on, whether or not  |    |
|  |    |       |split, other than leather |    |
|  |    |       |of heading 41.14     |    |
|  |    |       |             |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description        |国关税税|
|  |    |       |             |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Leather further prepared |    |
|  |    |经鞣制或半硝处|after tanning or crusting,|    |
|  |    |理后加工的山羊|including parchment--   |    |
|82 |41131000|或小山羊皮革,|dressed leather, of goats |14   |
|  |    |但税目 14.14的|or kids, without wool or |    |
|  |    |皮革除外   |hair on, whether or not  |    |
|  |    |       |split, other than leather |    |
|  |    |       |of heading 41.14     |    |
|  |    |       |Leather further prepared |    |
|  |    |       |after tanning or     |    |
|  |    |经鞣制或半硝处|crusting, including    |    |
|  |    |理后加工的爬行|parchment--dressed    |    |
|83 |41133000|动物皮革,但税|leather, of reptiles,   |14   |
|  |    |目 41.14的皮革|without wool or hair on, |    |
|  |    |除外     |whether or not split,   |    |
|  |    |       |other than leather of   |    |
|  |    |       |heading 41.14       |    |
|  |    |       |Handbags, whether or   |    |
|  |    |       |not with shoulder strap, |    |
|84 |42022200|塑料片或纺织材|incl. those without    |    |
|  |    |料作面的手提包|handle, with outer    |14   |
|  |    |       |surface of plastic    |    |
|  |    |       |sheeting or of      |    |
|  |    |       |textile materials     |    |
|  |    |       |Articles of a kind    |    |
|  |    |       |normally carried in the  |    |
|  |    |皮革面通常置于|pocket or handbag,    |    |
|85 |42023100|口袋或手提包内|with outer surface of   |10   |
|  |    |的物品    |leather, of composition  |    |
|  |    |       |leather or of       |    |
|  |    |       |patent leather      |    |
|  |    |       |              |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description         |国关税税|
|  |    |       |              |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Articles of a kind     |    |
|  |    |塑料或纺织材料|normally carried in the   |    |
|86 |42023200|面的置于口袋或|pocket or handbag,     |    |
|  |    |手提包内物品 |with outer surface of    |20   |
|  |    |       |plastic sheeting or of   |    |
|  |    |       |textile materials      |    |
|  |    |       |Tool bags, cutlery     |    |
|  |    |塑料片或纺织材|cases and containers    |    |
|87 |42029200|料作面的其他类|nes, with outer surface   |14   |
|  |    |似容器    |of plastic sheeting or of  |    |
|  |    |       |textile materials      |    |
|  |    |       |Wood or           |    |
|88 |44201010|木刻及竹刻  |              |4    |
|  |    |       |bamboo carvings       |    |
|  |    |其他木制小雕像|Statuettes and other    |    |
|89 |44201090|       |ornaments, of        |4    |
|  |    |及装饰品   |wood, nes          |    |
|  |    |       |Caskets and cases for    |    |
|  |    |珠宝或刀具木盒|jewellery or cutlery,    |    |
|90 |44209090|及类似品;第94|and similar articles, of  |4    |
|  |    |章以外木家具 |wood; wooden articles    |    |
|  |    |       |or furniture not falling in |    |
|  |    |       |Chapter 94         |    |
|  |    |       |Mats, matting and      |    |
|91 |46012029|其他草制的席 |screens of grass or     |9    |
|  |    |子、席料及帘子|straw (other than      |    |
|  |    |       |rushes)           |    |
|  |    |       |            |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description       |国关税税|
|  |    |       |            |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Plaits materials, plaits|    |
|  |    |       |and similar products of |    |
|  |    |       |plaiting materials, bond|    |
|  |    |未列名植物编结|together in parallel  |    |
|92 |46019199|材料制其他平行|strands or woven, in  |    |
|  |    |连结或编结品 |sheet form, whether or |9    |
|  |    |       |not being finished   |    |
|  |    |       |articles, of other   |    |
|  |    |       |vegetable plaiting   |    |
|  |    |       |material, nes      |    |
|  |    |       |Basketwork,       |    |
|93 |46021020|草制篮筐及其他|wickerwork and other  |9    |
|  |    |编结品    |articles, of grass   |    |
|  |    |       |or straw        |    |
|  |    |印刷的各种日 |Calendars of any kind, |    |
|94 |49100000|       |printed, including   |8    |
|  |    |历,包括日历芯|calendar blocks     |    |
|  |    |粗梳动物细毛纱|Carded yarn of fine   |    |
|95 |51081000|       |animal hair, not put up |5    |
|  |    |线,非供零售用|for retail sale     |    |
|  |    |精梳单纱,绵≥|Combed single cotton  |    |
|96 |52052100|85%,细度≥ |yarn, with ≥ 85%    |5    |
|  |    |714.29分特  |cotton, nprs, ≤ 14mn  |    |
|  |    |棉≥85%, 232≤|Uncombed cabled     |    |
|97 |52053200|单纱< 714分特|cotton yarn, with ≥ 85%|5    |
|  |    |未精梳多股线 |cotton, nprs, > 14mn  |    |
|  |    |       |but ≤ 43mn       |    |
|  |    |       |            |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description       |国关税税|
|  |    |       |            |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Combed cabled cotton  |    |
|  |    |棉≥85%,232≤|yarn, with ≥ 85%    |    |
|98 |52054200|单纱< 714分特|cotton, nprs, > 14mn  |5    |
|  |    |精梳多股纱线 |but ≤ 43mn       |    |
|  |    |       |Dyed plain cotton    |    |
|  |    |棉≥85%染色平|weave, with ≥ 85%   |    |
|  |    |       |        2    |    |
|99 |52083200|纹布,100g< |cotton, >100g/m , ≤  |10   |
|  |    |       |   2         |    |
|  |    |平米重≤200g |200g/m         |    |
|  |    |       |printed plain cotton  |    |
|  |    |棉≥85%印花平|weave, with ≥ 85%   |    |
|  |    |       |        2    |    |
|100 |52085200|纹布,100g< |cotton, >100g/m , ≤  |10   |
|  |    |       |   2         |    |
|  |    |平米重≤200g |200g/m         |    |
|  |    |棉≥85%未漂平|Unbleached plain cotton |    |
|101 |52091100|纹布,平米重>|weave, with ≥85%    |10   |
|  |    |       |        2    |    |
|  |    |200g     |cotton, >200g/m    |    |
|  |    |棉<85%与化纤|printed woven cotton  |    |
|102 |52105900|纺印花其他布,|fabrics, nes, with <  |10   |
|  |    |       |          2  |    |
|  |    |平米重≤200g |85% cotton, ≤200g/m  |    |
|  |    |生的纺织用龙舌|Sisal & other textile  |    |
|103 |53041000|       |fibres of the genus   |5    |
|  |    |兰类纤维   |Agave, raw       |    |
|  |    |其他加工但未纺|Sisal, etc (excl. raw), |    |
|104 |53049000|龙舌兰类纤维及|not spun; tow & waste  |5    |
|  |    |其短纤和废麻 |of these fibres     |    |
|105 |53082000|大麻纱线   |True hemp yarn     |6    |
|  |    |       |            |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description       |国关税税|
|  |    |       |            |率(%)|
|  |    |含聚酯非变形长|Other woven fabrics of |    |
|106 |54076100|丝≥85%的机 |synthetic yarn, ≥85%  |14   |
|  |    |织物     |non--textured polyester |    |
|  |    |其他合成纤维长|Dyed woven fabrics of  |    |
|107 |54079200|       |synthetic filament   |14   |
|  |    |丝染色布   |yarn, nes        |    |
|  |    |合成纤维短纤缝|Sewing thread of    |    |
|108 |55081000|       |            |8    |
|  |    |纫线     |synthetic staple fibres |    |
|  |    |棉制割绒的灯 |            |    |
|109 |58012200|       |Cut corduroy of cotton |10   |
|  |    |芯绒     |            |    |
|  |    |机织的纺织材料|Labels, badges...of   |    |
|110 |58071000|制非绣制标签、|textiles, woven, in   |    |
|  |    |徽章及类似品 |piece...,        |13   |
|  |    |       |not embriodered     |    |
|  |    |棉制针织或钩编|Men''s or boys'' jackets |    |
|111 |61033200|       |& blazers of cotton,  |16   |
|  |    |的男式上衣  |knitted or crocheted  |    |
|  |    |棉制针织或钩编|Women''s or girls''    |    |
|112 |61043200|       |jackets, of cotton,   |16   |
|  |    |的女式上衣  |knitted or crocheted  |    |
|  |    |       |Women''s or girls''    |    |
|113 |61061000|棉制针织或钩编|blouses, etc, of    |16   |
|  |    |的女衬衫   |cotton, knitted     |    |
|  |    |       |or crocheted      |    |
|  |    |       |            |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description       |国关税税|
|  |    |       |            |率(%)|
|  |    |棉制针织或钩编|T--shirts, singlets &  |    |
|114 |61091000|的T恤衫、汗 |other vests, of cotton, |14   |
|  |    |衫、背心   |knitted or crocheted  |    |
|  |    |未列名纺材制针|T--shirts, singlets,  |    |
|115 |61099090|织或钩编T恤 |etc, of other textiles, |17   |
|  |    |衫、汗衫、背心|nes, knitted/crocheted |    |
|  |    |羊毛制针织钩编|Jerseys, pullovers,   |    |
|116 |61101100|套头衫开襟衫外|etc, of wool, knitted  |17   |
|  |    |穿背心及似品 |or crocheted      |    |
|  |    |棉制针织钩编的|Jerseys, pullovers,   |    |
|117 |61102000|套头衫、开襟 |ets, of cotton, knitted |14   |
|  |    |衫、外穿背心等|or crocheted      |    |
|  |    |针织或钩编的其|Other clothing     |    |
|118 |61178000|       |accessories, knitted or |17   |
|  |    |他衣着附件  |crocheted, nes     |    |
|  |    |毛制男式西服 |Men''s or boys'' suits of |    |
|119 |62031100|       |            |19   |
|  |    |套装     |wool or fine animal hair|    |
|  |    |       |Men''s or boys'' jackets |    |
|120 |62033200|棉制男式上衣 |            |16   |
|  |    |       |& blazers of cotton   |    |
|  |    |合成纤维制男式|Men''s or boys'' jackets |    |
|121 |62033300|       |& blazers of      |19   |
|  |    |上衣     |synthetic fibres    |    |
|  |    |未列名纺织材料|Men''s or boy''s jackets &|    |
|122 |62033990|       |blazers of other textl |18   |
|  |    |制男式上衣  |materials, nes     |    |
|  |    |       |            |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description       |国关税税|
|  |    |       |            |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Men''s or boys''     |    |
|123 |62034990|其他纺织材料制|trousers, breeches,   |18   |
|  |    |其他男裤   |nes, of oth       |    |
|  |    |       |textile fibres     |    |
|  |    |       |Women''s or girls''    |    |
|124 |62043100|毛制女式上衣 |jackets & blazers of  |18   |
|  |    |       |wool or fine animal hair|    |
|  |    |未列名纺织材料|Women''s or girls'' skirts|    |
|125 |62045990|制女式裙子及 |of other textile    |17   |
|  |    |裙裤     |materials, nes     |    |
|  |    |       |Women''s or       |    |
|126 |62046200|棉制女裤   |girls''trousers,     |16   |
|  |    |       |breeches, etc,     |    |
|  |    |       |of cotton        |    |
|  |    |       |Men''s or boys'' shirts  |    |
|127 |62052000|棉制男衬衫  |            |16   |
|  |    |       |of cotton        |    |
|  |    |       |Men''s or boys'' shirts of|    |
|128 |62053000|化纤制男衬衫 |            |18   |
|  |    |       |man--made fibres    |    |
|  |    |其他纺织材料制|Women''s or girls''    |    |
|129 |62069000|       |blouses, shirts, etc,  |18   |
|  |    |女衬衫    |of other textiles, nes |    |
|  |    |棉制其他男内 |Men''s or boys'' singlets,|    |
|130 |62079100|衣、浴衣、晨衣|dressing gowns, etc,  |14   |
|  |    |及类似品   |of cotton        |    |
|  |    |其他纺织材料制|Ties, bow ties &    |    |
|131 |62159000|       |cravats of other    |17   |
|  |    |领带及领结  |textiles, nes      |    |
|  |    |        |             |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称    |Description        |国关税税|
|  |    |        |             |率(%)|
|  |    |服装或衣着附件 |Parts of garments or of  |    |
|132 |62179000|        |             |17   |
|  |    |的零件     |clothing accessories, nes |    |
|  |    |大理石制表面积<|Tiles etc of marble,   |    |
|133 |68021010| 7cm× 7cm砖  |side < 7cm; artificial  |24   |
|  |    |瓦;染色石粉粒 |colored granuls, powder  |    |
|  |    |未列名已加工石 |Worked building stone   |    |
|134 |68029990|        |and articles       |24   |
|  |    |制品      |thereof, nes       |    |
|  |    |未列名石制品及 |Articles of stone or of  |    |
|135 |68159900|        |other mineral       |18   |
|  |    |其他矿物制品  |substances nes      |    |
|  |    |        |Diamonds non --      |    |
|  |    |未加工或简单锯 |industrial unworked or  |3    |
|136 |71023100|开、劈开或粗磨 |simply sawn, cleaved   |    |
|  |    |的非工业钻石  |or bruted         |    |
|  |    |        |Precious or semi--    |    |
|  |    |未加工或仅简单 |precious stones (other  |3    |
|137 |71031000|锯开或粗成形的 |than diamonds),      |    |
|  |    |宝石或半宝石  |unworked or simply    |    |
|  |    |        |sawn or rough shaped   |    |
|  |    |        |Synthetic/reconstructed  |    |
|  |    |经其他加工非工 | precious/semi--     |    |
|138 |71049099|业用合成再造其 |precious stones,     |8    |
|  |    |他宝石半宝石  |further worked, not for  |    |
|  |    |        |technical use       |    |
|  |    |       |             |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description        |国关税税|
|  |    |       |             |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Articles of precious or  |    |
|  |    |宝石或半宝石 |semi--precious stones   |35   |
|139 |71162000|(天然、合成或|(natural, synthectic or  |    |
|  |    |再造)制品  |reconstructed)      |    |
|  |    |贱金属制其他仿|Imitation jewellery nes  |    |
|140 |71171900|       |             |21   |
|  |    |首饰     |of base metal       |    |
|  |    |硅铁,按重量计|             |    |
|141 |72022900|含硅量在55%及|Ferro--silicon, nes    |2    |
|  |    |以下     |             |    |
|  |    |       |Structure/parts nes,   |    |
|  |    |其他钢铁结构 |plate, rods etc      |4    |
|142 |73089000|体;钢结构体用|prepared for use in    |    |
|  |    |部件及加工钢材|structures, of iron/steel |    |
|  |    |       |Bolts and screws nes,   |    |
|  |    |其他螺钉及螺 |whether or not with    |8    |
|143 |73181500|栓,不论是否带|their nuts or washers,  |    |
|  |    |有螺母或垫圈 |of iron/steel       |    |
|144 |74011000|铜锍     |Copper mattes       |2    |
|  |    |未精炼铜;电解|Unrefined copper,     |    |
|145 |74020000|       |Copper anodes for     |2    |
|  |    |精炼用的铜阳极|electrolytic refining   |    |
|  |    |未锻轧的精炼铜|Refined copper,      |    |
|146 |74031100|       |cathodes & sections of  |2    |
|  |    |阴极及阴极型材|cathodes, unwrought    |    |
|147 |74040000|铜废碎料   |Copper Waste & scrap   |2    |
|  |    |       |            |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description       |国关税税|
|  |    |       |            |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Articles of Copper,   |    |
|148 |74199990|未列名铜制品 |nes, not for      |20   |
|  |    |       |technical use      |    |
|149 |75022000|未锻轧的镍合金|Ni unwrought, alloyed  |3    |
|  |    |未锻轧的非合 |Al unwrought,      |    |
|150 |76011000|       |            |5    |
|  |    |金铝     |not alloyed       |    |
|151 |76020000|铝废碎料   |Waste & scrap, Al    |2    |
|  |    |       |Cobalt mattes and other |    |
|  |    |钴锍等冶炼钴时|intermediate products of|4    |
|152 |81052000|所得中间产品;|cobalt metallurgy, un - |    |
|  |    |未锻轧钴;钴粉|wrought cobalt, powders |    |
|  |    |       |Wrought cobalt &    |    |
|153 |81059000|锻轧钴及钴制品|            |8    |
|  |    |       |articles thereof    |    |
|  |    |鞍具、衣箱、盒|Mountings, fittings &  |    |
|154 |83024900|子等其他贱金属|similar articles of base|12   |
|  |    |制附件及架座 |metal, nes       |    |
|  |    |贱金属制钩、 |Hooks, eyes & eyelets  |    |
|155 |83081000|       |            |10   |
|  |    |环、眼    |of base metal      |    |
|  |    |贱金属制扣等;|Claps, buckles & like, |    |
|156 |83089000|珠子及亮晶片,|beads & spangles of   |10   |
|  |    |包括零件   |base metal       |    |
|  |    |       |Parts of pumps     |    |
|157 |84139100|液体泵零件  |            |5    |
|  |    |       |for liquids       |    |
|  |    |石油或天然气钻|Parts of oil/gas    |    |
|158 |84314310|       |            |4    |
|  |    |机的零件   |boring machinery    |    |
|  |    |        |             |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称    |Description        |国关税税|
|  |    |        |             |率(%)|
|  |    |其他8433所列  |Parts of other machines  |    |
|159 |84339090|        |             |3    |
|  |    |机械的零件   |of heading 84.33     |    |
|  |    |        |Electronic calculators,  |    |
|160 |84701000|不需外接电源的 |operating without     |4    |
|  |    |电子计算器   |external source      |    |
|  |    |        |of power         |    |
|161 |84821000|滚珠轴承    |Bearings, ball      |8    |
|  |    |滚动轴承的其他 |             |    |
|162 |84829900|        |Bearing parts, nes    |6    |
|  |    |零件      |             |    |
|  |    |其他传动轴及  |Transmission shafts not  |    |
|163 |84831090|        |             |6    |
|  |    |曲柄      |for ships; cranks     |    |
|  |    |齿轮及其他变  |Gears/gearing, ball    |    |
|164 |84834090|速、传动装置; |screws, gear boxes,    |8    |
|  |    |滚珠螺杆传动轴 |speed changers, etc    |    |
|  |    |单独报验的带齿 |Parts of applianced of  |    |
|165 |84839000|轮等; 84.83货 |             |8    |
|  |    |品的其他零件  |heading No. 84.83     |    |
|  |    |已包装成套或不 |Gasket sets consisting  |    |
|166 |84849000|同材料密封垫或 |of gaskets of       |8    |
|  |    |类似接合衬垫  |different materials    |    |
|  |    |其他电动机, P≤|Electric motors of an   |    |
|167 |85011099|        |             |9    |
|  |    |35.7W      |output≤37.5W, nes    |    |
|  |    |压燃式内燃机发 |Generating sets, diesel  |    |
|168 |85021100|电机组, P≤  |or semi--diesel      |10   |
|  |    |75KVA      |engines, output ≤    |    |
|  |    |        |75KVA           |    |
|  |    |       |            |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description       |国关税税|
|  |    |       |            |率(%)|
|  |    |       |Parts of torches of   |    |
|169 |85139010|手电筒零件  |            |14   |
|  |    |       |subheading No. 8513.1010|    |
|  |    |       |Parts of microphones,  |    |
|  |    |8518所列货品的|loudspeakers,      |10   |
|170 |85189000|       |headphones,       |    |
|  |    |零件     |earphones&elec sound  |    |
|  |    |       |amplier sets      |    |
|  |    |其他已录制非教|Other recorded magnetic |    |
|171 |85245390|学用磁带,宽>|tapes, width>     |10   |
|  |    |6.5mm     |6.5mm, nes       |    |
|  |    |       |Parts for switches,   |    |
|172 |85389000|8535、8536所列|fuses, panels and etc  |7    |
|  |    |装置的其他零件|of heading No85.35,   |    |
|  |    |       |85.36, nes       |    |
|  |    |16、18、20英寸|Cross--country     |    |
|173 |87120041|       |bicycles, 16″, 18″,  |13   |
|  |    |越野自行车  |20″          |    |
|  |    |注射器,不论是|Syringes, with or    |    |
|174 |90183100|       |            |8    |
|  |    |否装有针头  |without needles     |    |
|  |    |X光发生器、检|Parts & accessories of |    |
|175 |90229090|查用家具等; |            |6    |
|  |    |9022设备零件 |apparatus of 90.22, nes |    |
|  |    |       |Instruments/apparatus/ |    |
|  |    |专供示范而无其|models, for       |7    |
|176 |90230000|他用途的仪器、|demonstrational     |    |
|  |    |装置及模型  |purposes        |    |
|  |    |其他自动调节或|Automatic regulating or |    |
|177 |90328900|       |controlling instruments |7    |
|  |    |控制仪器及装置|& apparatus, nes    |    |
|  |    |       |             |2004年中|
|  |税则号列|商品名称   |Description        |国关税税|
|  |    |       |             |率(%)|
|178 |91051100|电动的闹钟  |Electric alarm clocks   |23   |
|  |    |9202所列乐器的|Parts & accessories for  |    |
|179 |92099200|       |musical instruments of  |18   |
|  |    |零件、附件  |heading No 92.02     |    |
|  |    |       |Seats with wooden     |    |
|180 |94016900|其他木框架坐具|             |4    |
|  |    |       |frames, nes        |    |
|  |    |其他卧室用木 |Bedroom furniture,    |    |
|181 |94035099|       |             |4    |
|  |    |家具     |wooden, nes        |    |
|  |    |       |Furniture,        |    |
|182 |94036099|未列名木家具 |             |4    |
|  |    |       |wooden, nes        |    |
|  |    |已加工植物质或|Worked vegtable/     |    |
|183 |96020090|矿物质雕刻材料|mineral carving      |25   |
|  |    |及其制品等  |material/artcls, etc   |    |
|  |    |装有贱金属齿的|Slide fasteners fitted  |    |
|184 |96071100|       |with chain scoops of   |21   |
|  |    |拉链     |base matel        |    |
|185 |96081000|圆珠笔    |Ball point pens      |15   |
|  |    |各种材料制的雕|Original sculptures &   |    |
|186 |97030000|       |             |12   |
|  |    |塑品原件   |statuary, in any material |    |

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