
  Total: 191 species (or categories)
  Notes: Enterprises to produce the feed additives with the asterisk * in China must apply for a new feed additive certificate.

2、Feed Additives in the Protecting Period

┃Serial│   Name of feed additive   │Use limitations │   Applicant    │The End of┃
┃No.  │                │        │           │Protecting┃
┃   │                │        │           │Period  ┃
┃1   │Cysteamine Hydrochloride    │All species or │Shanghai Walcom Bio- │September ┃
┃   │                │categories of  │Chem Co., Ltd.    │2004   ┃
┃   │                │animals     │           │     ┃
┃2   │Lactobacillus bulgarius     │All species or │Gansu Dasheng Bio-Tech│September ┃
┃   │                │categories of  │Co., Ltd./ Graduate  │2004   ┃
┃   │                │animals     │School of Gansu    │     ┃
┃   │                │        │Dasheng Bioengineering│     ┃
┃3   │Chromium Picolinate       │Pigs, Chicken, │Institute of Animal  │September ┃
┃   │                │Cattle     │Science, Chinese   │2004   ┃
┃   │                │        │Academy of Agriculteur│     ┃
┃   │                │        │al Sciences      │     ┃
┃4   │Chlorella Pyrenoidose Chick   │Pigs, Chicken  │Fujian Putian Shenzhou│September ┃
┃   │                │        │Bioengineering Co.,  │2004   ┃
┃   │                │        │Ltd.         │     ┃
┃5   │Galactose Mannanoligosaccharides│Pigs, Chicken, │Beijing Zhongke    │February ┃
┃   │                │Rabbits     │Shenlan Sci-Tech   │2005   ┃
┃   │                │        │Development Co., Ltd. │     ┃
┃6   │1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic│Laying hens,  │Zhejiang Pukang    │July 2005 ┃
┃   │Acid              │Broiler chicks │Biotechnology Co.,  │     ┃
┃   │                │        │Ltd.         │     ┃
┃7   │Xylo-oligosaccharides      │All species or │Jiangsu Kangwei    │July 2005 ┃
┃   │                │categories of  │Biologic Co., Ltd.  │     ┃
┃   │                │animals     │           │     ┃
┃8   │Rare Earth(Cerium and Lanthanum)│All species or │Shenzhen Xikean(SQA) │July 2005 ┃
┃   │Chitosan Chelate        │categories of  │Industrial Co. Ltd  │     ┃
┃   │                │animals     │           │     ┃
┃9   │Low-molecular-weight Chitosan  │Laying hens,  │Shandong Xinde Medical│October  ┃
┃   │                │Broiler chicks,│Co., Ltd.       │2005   ┃
┃   │                │Growing-finishin│           │     ┃
┃   │                │g pigs     │           │     ┃

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