Who Has the Ownership of Incremental Printed Paper Money?


  Gong Jiang said, "I don''t agree with you, because I have to repay principal 5 million yuan, interest 2 million yuan and service fee 3 million yuan to Zheng Fu. If I accept your propose, I have no money to travel overseas. So you''d better borrow money from Zheng Fu."


  Zheng Fu told Tu Ti and Shan Ben, "I have lent all my money 5 million yuan to Gong Jiang, I don''t have money to lend to you." At that time, Zheng Fu''s wife Yin Hang said, "All the aspects of our country are fine except a defect. It''s the wealth is more than the money. All the money of our country is 10 million yuan, but it is not enough to circulate and impact on the development of economy. If we want to solve the problem how to sell Gong Jiang''s houses, how to realize the value of investment and how Tu Ti and Shan Ben have enough money to improve the housing conditions, we must add money 10 million yuan with the old style and lend to Tu Ti and Shan Ben. So Tu Ti and Shan Ben could buy the houses, Gong Jiang could repay the money and travel overseas. Do you think so?" After discussing, everyone agreed with Yin Hang. So Zheng Fu and Yin Hang added money 10 million yuan and put it on the market, all the four families were happy.


  Not only the four families but also All the economists and jurists in the world are happy. They all think Zheng Fu''s wife Yin Hang is not only beautiful and sexy but also Wise and great, but they overlook a problem. It''s who has the ownership of added money 10 million yuan. Not only the four families but also all the constitutions and laws in the world overlook the problem. The Constitution of the United States mentions the word "money" many times, but it doesn''t provide the ownership of added money; The Constitution of the People''''s Republic of China doesn''t mention the word "money" at all, let alone the ownership of added money. Law of the People''''s Republic of China on the People''''s Bank of China provides in article 18, "The Renminbi shall be printed and issued solely by the People''''s Bank of China. When putting forth a new Renminbi issue, The People''''s Bank of China shall make known to the public the printing date, face values, designs, patterns and specifications." But the ownership of added money is not mentioned by this law too. Why is the problem overlooked? Subconsciously they may think governments or banks have the ownership of added money is reasonable and the problem is not necessary to be discussed.

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