
Ibid., p.400.
在此之前,他已经公开承认法官是无法回避政治的。E.g., see Ronald Dworkin, “Law as Interpretation”, Texas Law Review Vol.60 (1982) p.527.
Cf. Dworkin, Law’s Empire, op.cit., pp.239-240.
Ibid., p.413.
Cf. Guest, Ronald Dworkin, op.cit., pp.148-149. 实际上,德沃金理论的两个主要思想渊源正是哈特的法律实证主义和罗尔斯的实践理性的政治哲学。
See John Rawls, “The Idea of an Overlapping Consensus”, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 7 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987).
Dworkin, Law’s Empire, op.cit., pp.176ff., 217.
Cf. Julius Stone, Social Dimensions of Law and Justice (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1966) pp.653-654.
首先提出“多中心性”概念的是珀兰尼。See Michael Polanyi, The Logic of Liberty; Reflections and Rejoinders (London: Routedge & Kegan Paul, 1951) pp.170 ff.
Lon Fuller, “The Forms and Limits of Adjudication”, Harvard Law Review Vol.92 (1978) pp.394-404.
例如,关于规范原理的多元构成,不妨参阅田中成明《围绕审判的法与政治》(东京∶有斐阁,1979年)提出的法的三类型模式;关于制度理性的多元构成,See Gunther Teubner, “Substantive and Reflexive Elements in Modern Law”, Law & Society Review Vol.17 No.2 (1983).
E.g., Frank Sander, “Varieties of Dispute Processing”, Federal Rules Decisions Vol.70 (1976).
Dworkin, Law’s Empire, op.cit., pp.196, 198ff.
Ibid., p.88.
关于儒家法律思想与德沃金法律整合论的类似性,cf. R. P. Peerenboom, “Confucian Justice: Achieve a Humane Society”, International Philosophical Quarterly Vol.30 No.1 (1990) pp.17-32.
Dworkin, Law’s Empire, op.cit., pp.7-8.
Ibid., p.8.
Philip Soper, “Dworkin’s Domain”, Harvard Law Review Vol.100 p.1168 n.12.
See Dworkin, Law’s Empire, op.cit., pp.154-156, 160-161.
Ibid., p.160.
Cf. ibid., pp.167ff.

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