

The Protection For Feeble Group In the Context of Civil Procedure Law


  (中南财经政法大学 法学院, 湖北 武汉 430060)
  The Protection For Feeble Group In the Context of Civil Procedure Law
   Liu Jia-liang
  (Law School Zhongnan University of Economics and Law ,Wuhan Hubei 430060)
  Abstract: It is the feeble group that is hard to live and develop in civil proceeding as a result of not being very accustomed to the action because of the unchangeable or changeable differences in the disposing capacity of party . The protection for feeble group should be paid much attention to in the context of civil procedure law . The protection for feeble group should adhere to the lowest level of procedural justice and the most possible pursuit of substantive justice . In order to make the related systems good , civil judge should be given the power of free measurement under the condition that this power of free measuremente is well controlled by strict rules.
  Keywords: feeble group; civil procedure law ; protection
  在中国社会由传统乡土型样向现代文明型样剧烈过渡和利益重新配置与整合的背景下,弱势群体的法律保护问题由于关系到社会正义和效率的实现,关系到社会风险的防范和消除,关系到社会稳定的维持与增进,自二十世纪九十年代中后期以来逐渐被法学理论界给予更多的关注。如朱苏力教授在《一个不公正的司法解释》一文中正确地表达了社会对14周岁以下的幼女这个特殊的弱势群体给予特殊保护的基本公共政策思想,[1]刘引玲教授在《中国人口老龄化及相关法律问题研究》一文中主要对老年人权利的民法保护进行了系统研究,[2],李强教授和王太元教授以农民工犯罪为研究对象从刑法学和犯罪学角度对农民工权利的法律保护予以特别关注,[3]等等。但在民事诉讼法的视野内,这一问题却缺乏相应的系统化研究。本文中笔者尝试从弱势群体的情景概念角色定位为切入点,阐明弱势群体的民事诉讼法保护制度的建构根基和既有渊源,主张弱势群体的民事诉讼法保护必须坚持对程序正义(procedural justice)的底线坚持和对实体正义(substantive justice)的最可能追求的立场,主张通过严格规则控权下的赋予法官自由裁量权的方案实现对我国相关制度的完善。

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