

The Effects of Ethical Evolution On Modern Law And It’s Practice


【摘要】本文认为,人类社会的发展经历了以自我利益为中心,以家族、部族、地域利益为中心,到现在以国家、人种、人类利益为中心的伦理时代。在这个漫长过程中虽然调整人类行为的法律逐渐成熟和完善,但人类中心主义的伦理观念一直占据着统治地位。20世纪以来,环境问题在各国日益突现,运用传统法律手段在环境问题的解决上更显力不从心。频频爆发的公害事件、愈演愈烈的环境危机使人类不得不反思自己的行为和观念。本文指出,20世纪五十年代以后,强调人与自然共生平等的生态中心主义伦理观应运而生,它对人类中心主义予以了深刻的反省和批判,提出了新的以确立环境和自然固有价值及权利的环境伦理思想。本文认为,这些思想理论对传统人类中心主义的伦理观提出了新的挑战,不仅动摇了传统部门法的法理学基础,一些国家还涌现了反映和维护环境和自然固有价值及权利的法律实践。本文指出,伦理观念从人类中心主义到生态中心主义的嬗变已经影响到当代环境立法和实践,并将对整个传统法律从理论到实践产生重大的影响。(The evolution of ethical conception promotes the vicissitude of law. There are different ethical conceptions and legal notion to adapt the dissimilar requirements of development in distinct periods of human society .In historical points of view, human society experienced several ethical periods including the period of individualism, the period of the concentration of kin’s interest, tribe’s interest or regional interest and the period of the concentration of national interest, racial interest or human interest. As the development of human society, the diverse legal systems have been established and constituted more and more advanced. As the result, the ethical conception in concentration of human interest became the potentate in ethical realm and shown its powerful influence in impacting other realms including legislation and legal practice. However, in 20th century, environmental problem has been a serious social problem which requiring more attention and concern, especially the occurrences of severe pollution make the necessity of retrospect in human ethical conception and conducts gradually obvious. In the 1950s, the ethical conception in concentration of natural rights and interest appeared, which accentuates each life in the world is equal and humanity is not the ruler but a member of diverse lives in the globe. As a word, the ethical conception offered the notion that nature and environment have their intrinsic rights to survive and live better. This new ethical notion challenged the ethical conception in concentration human interest and affected legal basic theory greatly. As the reflection of the alteration, there are many law cases concerning natural rights springing up in some countries. In conclusion, the ethical evolution from human interest to natural interest not only impresses the legislation and practice of environmental law, but also the entire legal foundation and theoretical system.)

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