
  第一 对于法律已经做了明确的规定,不存在疑问的,严格按照法律办事。比如对于十四周岁到十六周岁的人,除了刑法十七条第二款所规定的七种犯罪之外的任何行为,一概不认为是犯罪,包括劫持航空器等严重犯罪。违反法律的明文规定,任意践踏法律,践踏人权的做法,只能是属于专制的年代,任何人权状况有了一定发展的国家都不允许这种情况的发生。
   第二 对于法律的规定不是很明确的,要充分考虑我国的实际情况,作出一个与我国现阶段的人权观念相适合的选择。比如对于已满十四周岁未满十六周岁的人绑架他人,杀死被绑架人的,尽管不能将行为人以绑架罪定罪量刑,但我们可以完全忽略绑架这一行为,只追究其杀人行为,从而以故意杀人罪将其定罪量刑。当然,这样的处理,应该是建立在对有关刑法理论的重新阐释的基础之上。因为我国目前人权的发展情况,还远不如西方一些发达国家,这种现状没办法在短期内得到很大的改观,司法实践不能够超越这一现状。
   [Abstract]: How to deal with the behaviors which do seriously harm to the society but the new Criminal Law does not provide as crime? Through referring to the Principle of Legality of the other countries, we can conclude that it is impossible to completely satisfy the Principle of Legality in legislature. The most important role of the principle is to provide the conception of protecting human rights. Which can be embodied in what degree is decided by the conception of the human rights of the country. Based on the analysis, we reply the problem mentioned ahead.
  [Key words]: the Principle of Legality; human rights; seriously harm to the society; legislative authority; administrative authority; precision.

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