
  [11] 871F. 2d 252, 890F, 2d 569(2d. Cir), Cert. Dismissed 492 U.S. 939 (1989)
  [12] See Ham, International Co-operation in the Anti-trust Field and in particular the Agreement between the USA and the Commussion of the European Communities (1993) CML Rev. 571-97 at 577.
  [13] 这些国家包括澳大利亚、新西兰、英国、加拿大以及法国等。
  [14] Mannington Mill v. Congoleum Corp. 595 F. 2d 1287 (1979).
  [15] Case 48/69, ICI v. Commission; Case 52/69, J.R.Geigy v. Commission; Case 53/69, Sandoz v. Commission [1972] E.C.R. 619, 787, 845.
  [16] Cases 89/85, 104/85, 114/85, 116-117/85 and 125-129/85, A. Ahlström Oy and Ors. V. Commission [1988] E.C.R. 5193.
  [17] As well as Dyestuffs see case 6/72, Europem ballage and continental Can v. Commission [1973] E.C.R. 215; Cases 6-7/73, Commerical Solvents v. Commission [1974] E.C.R. 223.
  [18] Council Reg (EEC) No 4064/89((1989) O.J.L 395/1, repub. With corrections(1990) O.J.L 257/13.
  [19] 参见兼并规则第1条第2款。
  [20] 参见 Reasonable Extraterritoriality: Correcting the “Balance of Interests” by P.M. ROTH. Page 263, International and Comparative law Quaterly Vol. 41, April 1992.
  [21] 英文名为The Agreement between the European Community and the government of the United States of America regarding the application of their Competition laws.
  [22] Van Miert, address to the Royal Institute of International affairs, London, 11 May 1993, reported in Griffin, “EC and US Extraterritoriality: Activism and Cooperation”, in Hawk (ed).
  [23] United States v. Microsoft Corp., 159 F.R.D. 318 (D.D.C. 1995)
  [24] 同22。
  [25] Steiger, “Perspectives on US International Autitrust Euforcement”, in Hawk(ed), Fordham Corporate Law Institute 1993: Antitrust in a Global Economy (Transnational Juris, 1994) 15-30, 16.
  [26] The Chair’s Statement on the 33rd Quadrilateral (EC, USA, Japan and Canada) Trade Ministers’ Meeting (Tokyo, 11-12 May 1999) Agence Europe, Documents no 2139.

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